No More Zombie Fish
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 28, 2016, 10:17 p.m. by amazingdan
It's time has come. We bid it a happy journey to... um, wherever zombies go to when they die. Now on to the deck!
My UB Zombies feels like it's trying to too much. I'm not sure if I should focus on a more recursion based strategy or more aggro. I'm also stuck on how much Madness I should have vs how many enablers. I've also considered going a more midrange, grindy route with all recurrable creatures and a good amount of removal, with Kalitas being the centerpiece. I want to make this deck as good as it can be. I made it back when Zombies wasn't a supported tribal, and I'm super excited that it's got a bunch of new toys. It's basically a question of how I should use those toys. Help with the sideboard would be appreciated as well.
Tl;dr: Which direction should my deck go?
Deck for reference:
Zombie Fish Slumber Party
I will be updating it regularly until I feel like it's as good as it can get. Don't worry about budget, I'm just trying to make it good. Sorry for the clickbait title.
canterlotguardian says... #2
That is not a clickbait title, FYI. That is a clever title that will get people's interest in your deck. There is a big difference between the two.
March 28, 2016 10:43 p.m.