Please, Please, Please HELP (FNM Budget Build)
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 14, 2017, 5:27 p.m. by Master_Of_Obscure_Blue_Spells
Hi, if you are reading this, thank you.
Here's the deal. I would like to play in one of the two upcoming FNM's.I am a long time EDH player, with some standard experience. I played in Amonkhe Game Day, but FNM never held any interest.
Until now. I want one of the promo fatal pushes. Yes, I am aware that I can just buy one for less money than it would cost to build a deck. But I want to win one.
I was at my LGS last week, and there were only 6 people at FNM. If the pattern continues, I'll only have to go 2-2 to get a promo.
My question is this: what do I play? When I was there last friday playing commander, there was a 2 noob/4 spike ratio. I know one of the noobs was playing some madness variant, and I'm pretty sure that there is one mardu vehicles deck as well as a blue black control list and B/G energy/Constrictor
I am on a 20$ (roughly) budget (don't pay attention to this when leaving suggestions, though. I have some cards.) I also have some standard playables (3xGlint-Sleeve Siphoner, 3xRenegade Rallier, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, Blooming Marsh, 3xWinding Constrictoretc.)
I was thinking either U/W Resivour Storm, Mono-Black jank ( I have no fatal pushes:( ), or some weird Gonti's Machinations brew with Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, Renegade Rallier and Glint-Sleeve Siphoner, but I don't have the money for an Abzan landbase...
I've also perused MTGgoldfish's selection of budget builds, which seem good, so if anyone has any suggestions on which one is the most playable/best in my meta, pray tell.
Anyone reading this, if you have any ideas, please help. I don't have a lot of time.
Atroxreaper says... #3
Budget RDW would be my suggestion but without knowing your collection hard to decide.
September 14, 2017 9:38 p.m.
Hyperalgialysis says... #4
Run rakdos. Main deck a bunch of removal and some hard to deal with red/black creatures. Sideboard a ton of discard and a couple planeswalker removal spells. An optimal build would be like Shock Abrade Murder Insolent Neonate Gifted Aetherborn Kari Zev, Skyship Raider etc. Basically any creature with some relevant keyword ability and removal. Maybe a few draw spells like Tormenting Voice and Painful Lesson. I would keep the curve low, topping at 4 for your Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and then mainly run 1 and 2 drops with just 4-6 (no more than 8) spells that cost more. Run 22 lands and test it out.
September 15, 2017 6:49 a.m.
Master_Of_Obscure_Blue_Spells says... #5
Hyperalgialysis Thanks. That seems like the perfect choice. Should I run Fiery Temper/Other madness stuff? And what about that black 1-drop eldrazi that can pump and ingest? Or are you suggesting just an unpredictable toolbox deck that noone can sideboard against?
September 15, 2017 9:01 a.m.
Hyperalgialysis says... #6
If you have the cards then by all means do so. Without posting your whole collection cards to suggest are tricky. Sanitarium Skeleton is pretty decent in a toolbox. Scrapheap Scrounger is annoying too. Cut and Torment of Hailfire are really good. There is a fair amount of graveyard hate in my meta so I wouldn't run too much recursion. Hand disruption between Transgress the Mind Lay Bare the Heart and even good old Mind Rot. Run sets of 2 and 3 of copies of utility cards. You could be real annoying and be able to sideboard pretty well without ruining your consistency. Eternal Scourge is awesome. A single Akoum Firebird is a good mana sink. Try and ignore having a theme, and run something fun to play. If you have any sort of good lands other than Blooming Marsh let us know what they are and we can build around it. Any cycle lands?
September 15, 2017 9:32 a.m.
Master_Of_Obscure_Blue_Spells says... #7
1x Canyon Slough, 1x Smoldering Marsh.
I was sifting through some stuff and was thinking maybe just Mono Black with lots of value creatures?
Something like 3x Glint-Sleeve Siphoner, 1xTorment of Hailfire, 1xYahenni, Undying Partisan, 1x Kalitas, 4xHeir of Falkenrath, 4x Gifted Aetherborn, 4x Bearer of Silence, 1x Wastes, 1x Evolving Wilds, 2x Trial of Ambition, 2x Cartouche of Ambition, 4x Reaver Drone, 2x Harsh Scrutiny and 1x Smothering Abomination, maybe some Bone Pickers, Ruinous Paths. I also like Retreat to Hagra.
I probably need more removal + hand disruption like you said. And maybe 1x Claim / Fame.
September 15, 2017 9:52 a.m.
Master_Of_Obscure_Blue_Spells says... #8
Also, Bontu's Monument and Alms of the Vein.
September 15, 2017 9:57 a.m.
Master_Of_Obscure_Blue_Spells says... #11
Yeah. Lost Legacy in SB. And 4x Night Market Lookout for another 1 drop.
September 15, 2017 10:12 a.m.
Hyperalgialysis says... #12
Throw it together and run some practice hands. Odds are good you could win 2 rounds with all that shit. Strictly better mtg on youtube should have a 5 dollar standard mono black too. Check him out
September 15, 2017 10:14 a.m.
Master_Of_Obscure_Blue_Spells says... #14
Thanks. I seriously mean it. This looks f*ckin SICK. I'll get to testing later.
September 15, 2017 10:19 a.m.
Master_Of_Obscure_Blue_Spells says... #16
Here it is. It can deal about 22dmg by turn five in playtest, and removal is always abundant. You also gain a lot more life than I thought.
chaosumbreon87 says... #2
Note: I am not much of a standard player, I'm more of a commander player.
That said, have you looked into RG stompy or esper/sultai midrange? they seem pretty dec to me
September 14, 2017 5:51 p.m.