Post-rotation replacements
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 19, 2017, 8:38 p.m. by AgentGreen
Bow down to the power of Bolas
This is the deck as it stands today. So right now I'm looking for replacements to make this deck better for Ixalan Standard.
Keep in mind that I am planning on replacing my Murders with Unlicensed Disintegration, and I have a playset of the check-lands for Grixis. Anything you guys can suggest would be fantastic
drop in 4 drowned catacombs for lands. MAYBE walk the plank to replace grasp of darkness, theres really nothing thats just as good as that. Walk the plank is same cost, but the main problem is its a sorcery, and is countered by merfolk.
September 19, 2017 9:46 p.m.
I have a list here that has done me really well recently, not only against standard decks, but even some modern decks.
Rotation-Proof Competitive Grixis Control
I have Noxious Gearhulk as a one-of in the 60, and in some situations has proven to be a very effective finisher/removal combo, and it has pseudo-evasion which is nice.
I mainboard Magma Spray for the increased popularity of Embalm and Eternalize in my meta, but that can be a flexible spot in the deck depending on who plays what where you play.
Other than that, your list isn't too different from mine. I agree that Pull from Tomorrow is a fantastic late game draw card. Has won me several games as well.
September 19, 2017 9:47 p.m.
2 or 3 Dragonskull summits as well. Overall it looks like your mana base is mostly still there.
September 19, 2017 9:48 p.m.
I would suggest that you find some room for Vraska's Contempt
People are probably scared off it because it is 4CMC, but it deals with Planeswalkers and Gods most handily, and also knocks out those pesky Torrential Gearhulks.
tpmains says... #2
I'm trying to build Grixis control for standard too.
I'm going to include Vraska's Contempt. Instant speed + exile + creature or planeswalker will make it one of the go-to removal spells. Plus, incidental life gain in a control deck is nice.
I like to include 4 Gearhulk just because they are an awesome finisher.
I'm not sure about Opt yet. It seems good, I just need to test with it.
I also like to include 1 or 2 Pull from Tomorrow for that end game card draw.
September 19, 2017 9:11 p.m.