Rakdos or Mardu Vampires? Help

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on April 2, 2016, 10:01 p.m. by Miist

Obviously RB Vamps are going to be solid, but I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts are on splashing white for Sorin, Declaration, Unmaking, etc?

R/B vampires will be an aggressive deck, that said, do you think that splashing white for slower cards like Sorin is worth it? I would say no.

That said, I don't think splashing white for 2 removals is worth it, you have a very good selection between red and black, that risking an unstable mana base just for removal isn't worth it.

Now if you want to go 3 colors I would look at what other selections you have as far as creatures as well and see if you can grab more than just 2 removals, for however good those 2 removals may be.

April 2, 2016 10:15 p.m.

Miist says... #3

Okay, thanks!

April 2, 2016 10:22 p.m.

Rudmed says... #4

I'd say Rakados because you can be super aggressive and use the plethora of madness cards and discard in those colors to drop bigger, meaner creatures. You are in the two colors with plenty of removal through burn, and black being black.

I think it's got everything you need to keep you ahead, and kill your foe as soon as possible.

April 3, 2016 11:01 p.m.

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