R/W Aggro burn. Need assistance!

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 19, 2015, 11:18 p.m. by DreadnoughtMTG

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my thread!

I've been working on a R/W deck for standard. After a bit of play testing, I believe it still needs some work. I currently have a slight splash of blue for Jeskai Charm only. The splash isn't incredibly necessary but it is nice to have 12 spells that can deal 4 damage to player. I've changed the mana base around a couple times. Too many pain lands seemed to overshadow any life gain I received from Seeker or Soulfire so I switched to Mystic Monastery and Flooded Strand.

I'm thinking I need a little more card draw. Initially, I thought adding Magmatic Insight would work best but Dig could also work well. Avaricious Dragon might actually be the answer.

I'm not positive about the inclusion of Monastery Mentor. It's not that he's bad, but he draws removal so heavily that I feel like he is a little bit of a waste. Although, I suppose he does allow Soulfire Grand Master to remain on the field, which is nice.

The side board definitely still needs some help also. I'm hoping to solidify my main and side boards while adding in at least a small amount of card draw.

Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks!

Boros Aggregate Playtest

Standard DreadnoughtMTG


DreadnoughtMTG says... #2

Has anyone played a deck similar to this?

August 29, 2015 3:05 p.m.

Kroto says... #3

As you correctly identified: you need card draw.

Cards such as Outpost Siege and Treasure Cruise should do the trick. Dig Through Time is also ok, but I find it restricting in a light blue splash with it's double blue.

August 29, 2015 6:17 p.m.

DreadnoughtMTG says... #4

Kroto, thanks, I had totally forgotten about cruise for some reason. That should do pretty well.

Any suggestions on what to drop? Maybe a couple-three higher cost burn spells? That way I can draw into them late game a bit easier?

August 29, 2015 10:02 p.m.

Kroto says... #5

I think Outpost Siege should be in the sideboard if you know the opponent has a deck that can stall into midrange or control territory. That way you can still deal with them even if they stall. Another card that you should add to the sideboard is Exquisite Firecraft. Reason same as putting Outpost Siege there. When the opponent stalls you'll still have a way to deal with them. I'd drop the 1 ofs of Hallowed Moonlight and Valorous Stance.

As for Treasure Cruise I'd drop 1 Mentor and 1 Searing Blood for 2 of them. The Mentor is too high costed and can lose you a lot of tempo so having it as 2 of is reasonable.

After rotation you'll probably have to look into mainboard Exquisit Firecraft and Fiery Impulse to make up for the lack of Stoke the Flames and Searing Blood (possibly Lightning Strike as well if it doesn't see a reprint in BFZ) so testing with those might provide usefull information for the future of this style of deck.

August 29, 2015 11:58 p.m.

DreadnoughtMTG says... #6

What do you think about dropping the Mentors entirely for Avaricious Dragons?

The Mentors do act like a bit of a lightning rod to keep Soulfire in play, but past that I feel like they're just wasted value most times.

The Dragons would help to keep my hand stocked and slash or feed the grave to use Cruise or Dig quicker. I'm just not positive if I'm quite aggro ENOUGH for the Dragons.

August 30, 2015 12:26 a.m.

Kroto says... #7

IMO Avaricious Dragon is among the worst cards to play in constructed. You discard your whole hand meaning you are left with no plays in your opponents turn. It gives you a huge strategic disadvantage and allows your opponent use use his ressources as he likes.

Having cards in hand even if they're all lands means the opponent will be cautious in how he uses his ressources (since he doesnt know your hand) meaning he will tend to attack less and keep mana up during his turn for interaction. Losing this means you present yourself on a silver plate and if you're not massively ahead by the time you play him his impact is minimal.

Getting enough cards for delving Treasure Cruise will not be a problem with the amount of burn you have going on so there's no need for extra fuel.

Regarding dropping Mentors altogether... I think you could, but you'd have to replace him with a equally potent threat. The only card I'd consider would be Thunderbreak Regent from your sideboard, but he's even slower than the Mentor. Having the advantage of burning your opponent upon removal is very nice in a deck that can burn, but he's at most a topend you play when you start running out of gas.

August 30, 2015 2:01 a.m.

DreadnoughtMTG says... #8

I can see that about the Dragons. Good eye.

I don't mind the idea of adding the Regents main board. They definitely help against numerous decks and the added bonus of burn on removal might just push my opponents' life total into burn range.

It's a little bit of a tough call I'd say. If left alone, Mentor can really help me go wide with the prowess weenies. Regent is a little more straight forward and maybe a bit better as a top end 'out of steam' drop since Mentor really wants cards in hand when he comes out.

I'm not sure there is really anything else currently that could slot in there. Stormbreath Dragon is ok; helps with later games which I hope not to be in. Um.. that's about all I can think of that fits decently. Brimaz is a powerhouse but doesn't seem like the best fit.

I'll make a few adjustments and test them out. Thanks for all of your insight!

August 31, 2015 12:11 a.m.

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