R/W Ally/Equip Aggro advice
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on April 17, 2016, 2:39 a.m. by Delete_Account
Need help with this. A friend threw together this artifact/ally aggro deck and built or for me for game day. it was obviously designed a while ago and i need to update it to make it competitive. not gonna beat around the bush, I have been out of Magic for years and am not up to date on all the new stuff. Looking for advice on how to make this deck work properly and where it's wrong... also sideboard help would be greatly appreciated.
here is the deck Red/White Ally/Equip (Aggro)
I am thinking of adding a Nahiri, the Harbinger instead of Chandra, Flamecaller. Also my sideboard is obviously anti eldrazzi in a format that hardly sees them. Suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Not looking to go pro, just wanna win a local gameday.