So how to make changes?

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 9, 2015, 6:05 p.m. by Rudmed

My deck:

Exploiting all the things! (Help is welcome!) Playtest

Standard Rudmed


Above is my deck that is focused around the exploit theme. It recently went 3-1, it split all the games I won, but two bad hands doomed my last game which led to a pretty handy defeat.

My question is what could I use to improve this deck? What seemed to win the day, was using Archfiend of Depravity and keeping their creatures down to a minimum. Also using my creatures that provide card draw helped keep my hand full and offered me answers. However, I have to admit that there were a few moments I felt as though a card was not helping.

Ruthless Deathfang This guy was meant to be used in order to pick off whatever Archfiend of Depravity left behind. Yet, I never seemed to find the guy, and it seems awfully slow. I like him because it combos really well. You have two creatures left, well you are sacrificing one as I exploit whatever token I generated with Mirror Mockery, which triggers Ruthless Deathfang

Now part of me thinks, I should remove it for more three drops, like Liliana The Heretical Healer or some creatures like Fleshbag Marauder This will help smooth out the curve some, and if I were to remove Ruthless Deathfang should I replace Silumgar's Scorn with Scatter to the Winds?

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