So I wanna do something different than my norm...
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on April 25, 2016, 1:02 a.m. by UpperDeckerTaco
So normally, I come up with brews or play a resilient midrange deck, but I hardly ever play tribal unless it's in EDH. And I'm just really liking the flavor of Wolves and Werewolves in this set and hoping for the next set to involve this more. And some of the creatures are pretty powerful in their own right. And we all know the card Always Watching but Wolves have their own card of the sort but tweaked a little differently: Howlpack Resurgence
Now this card is pure value. In the white humans decks, they could have 3 of their Watching Enchantments out and would still be hard pressed to punch damage through and then they would get hit with Tragic Arrogance or some other type of sweeper, all because the deck their opponent was playing was feeding chumpers until they stabilized. Well this Howlpack Resurgence punches through damage and can surprise the opponent in combat or in response to one of the most heavily used removal spells in the format, Dromoka's Command. Howlpack Resurgence is soo good! So I wanted to make a Wolves deck and here it is:
Please help with this build, as it is a brew of sorts, and I think if anything, it definitely would be fun to take to an FNM. The mana base needs a lot of work I feel. Thanks.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #3
TheHroth advice on which cards to make the swap? And if anything, I'd only want to add 2 Tireless Tracker, bc in all honesty, I'm not overly impressed with the card, but it is a good card.
April 25, 2016 1:40 a.m.
Probably Hermit of the Natterknolls Flip or Scourge Wolf is what I'd cut. Hermit because it's a much better SB card against control decks and Wolf because RR is very taxing on your mana when you're primarily a green deck.
April 25, 2016 1:49 a.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #5
TheHroth I'm more concerned for the mana base and I may take your suggestions up a little later, I have yet to test with the deck yet. Any ideas for the mana base? I was thinking maybe having Needle Spires as a 2 of
April 25, 2016 12:34 p.m.
Playing Needle Spires would be good. Languish sees so much play that having something that can't die to it is necessary. It would also make me consider Sylvan Advocate much more, as buffing that double-strike will close out games insanely quick.
April 25, 2016 5:13 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #8
TheHroth so do you think I should just go for a value Naya CoCo deck or stick to the Wolves/Werewolves theme? I mean, I initially started this because Howlpack Resurgence seemed like a very good card. lol. Starting to look like this may turn out to be a value deck then. lol. Might have to start running Sin Prodders in the 3 drop spot lol.
April 25, 2016 7:22 p.m.
Full naya would have to run Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, and that's way too taxing on the mana.
My friend is playing Werewolves with Sylvan Advocate. Idk the actual numbers (I'll have an exact list to share tomorrow) but he has 20+ Wolf creatures for Howlpack Resurgence. Rest of his slots are fleshed out with Arlinn Kord Flip, Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, and Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip I believe. He is straight RG and it has been working quite well.
TlDr Keep playing werewolves because Howlpack Resurgence is so good.
April 25, 2016 10:31 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #10
TheHroth I hate to be a lame llama, but I always see people post TLDR, what exactly does that mean?
April 25, 2016 11:54 p.m.
Too long; Didn't read. Just basically a quick summary of the essential points of what was said.
April 26, 2016 12:19 a.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #12
TheHroth Is he running CoCo in his Werewolves deck?
April 26, 2016 12:54 a.m.
No. He's playing a much more aggressive style by using Village Messenger Flip instead of Breakneck Rider Flip. The slower midrange version feels stronger though (except I'm using his CoCo's in my Bant deck - LMAO).
TheHroth says... #2
They aren't wolves, but Sylvan Advocate and Tireless Tracker would be great. A friend of mine was very set on the full wolf tribal list (very similar to yours actually) and I convinced him to just try with Advocate and Tracker. The deck is leagues stronger with them, and you still have plenty of wolves to make Howlpack Resurgence still well worth playing.
April 25, 2016 1:18 a.m.