Solving Mirrorwing: The Sequel

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on April 14, 2017, 12:38 p.m. by clayperce

This is a reboot of the original Solving Mirrorwing thread.

Do you have ideas on how to make Zada, Hedron Grinder or Mirrorwing Dragon shine in Standard? If so, you're in the right place, and I'd LOVE to see and talk about your deck!

Archetypes that need optimization ...

  • Artifacts: Abuse Investigate effects and Artifacts-matter cards
  • Blink: Abuse Blink effects and ETB Creatures
  • Counters: Abuse +1/+1 Counter effects and Counters-matter cards
  • Energy: Abuse Energy counters and Energy-matters cards
  • Prowess: Make a good deck even better with Zada/Mirrorwing
  • Tokens: Abuse Token-makers like Silverfur Partisan, Strength of Arms and Make Mischief
  • Something else entirely?

Please don't hesitate to post your deck in large format (it makes it easier to find the decks). Here's the syntax ... just copy-and-paste, replacing the "mirrorwing-energy-kld" part with the "slug name" from your deck's URL:


Also, no worries if you just want to lurk. Please just click the Subscribe button here or underneath the Comment window. Thanks!

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Finally, here are all the (known) cards in Standard that play nice with Zada, Hedron Grinder and Mirrorwing Dragon:

Cards that play nicely with Zada and Mirrorwing

Standard* clayperce


clayperce says... #2

We got a few new toys in Amonkhet, but unfortunately nothing seems desperately broken.

Please let me know if I missed anything!

Also, I did not include the reprints of Mighty Leap and Brute Force, since they're already in Standard.

White (plus White aftermath) Show

Blue Show

Black Show

Red Show

Green Show

April 14, 2017 12:43 p.m.

clayperce says... #3

Derp. I meant Brute Strength.

April 14, 2017 1 p.m.

Mittenfist says... #4

Invigorated Dragon

Standard* Mittenfist

SCORE: 2 | 133 VIEWS

This is the zada build that I've had the most success with. I'm unsure if insult//injury will be mainboard, or if I'll run Samut.

April 16, 2017 4:56 p.m.

My Silverfur Partisan/Zada deck is

He Cried Wolf

Standard Moby_Copperfield



I originally had a Mirrorwing Dragon, but I feel its mana cost is too high compared to the rest of my deck.

@clayperce You've seen my deck already, but thought I'd post it here to share my take on Zada shenanigans.

June 23, 2017 2:57 a.m.

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