Sphinxs tutelage

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 10, 2015, 10:37 a.m. by Adamram1985

I am looking for ideas to make a tutelage deck post rotation. Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated

Boza says... #2

Here is a thought: Can you wait before we know 1/4 of BFZ to decide if that is a good idea? However:

Almost nothing is going away from the deck as is, so I do not see a problem with making it right now as it is and waiting for BFZ.

Theros cards used in http://www.channelfireball.com/articles/teamcfbp-deck-tech-ur-mill/ are Anger of the Gods (there is a new converge spell for that), temples (not super relevant, deck is not color hungry), Dictate of Kruphix (no obvious replacement), 2 Whelming Wave (Displacement Wave).

You basically only have to replace 2 dictates. Slap 2 Talent of the Telepath in there and call it a day perhaps?

(Sorry if I seem a bit mean here, long day)

September 10, 2015 10:53 a.m.

Adamram1985 says... #3

I am already running that deck minus the jace. Was just wanting to see if anyone has tried different versions and there experience.

September 10, 2015 10:59 a.m.

Gorgosaurusrex says... #4

There's no point in worrying about rotation until Battle for Zendikar has been entirely spoiled.

September 10, 2015 11:27 a.m.

Boza says... #5

Jace is the centerpiece of the deck btw, everything else revolves around him. Nobody can try a post-rotation deck before rotaion happens, so do not worry about it. Acquiring Jace is more of a priority than rotaiton.

September 10, 2015 11:37 a.m.

Tinselteeth says... #6

I've got a budget Jace-less version that runs fairly well on MTGO. Monastery Siege is a popular replacement for Dictate and is already appearing as a 4-of in some decks. Displacement Wave could be used in place of Whelming Wave, but some part of me hopes for a more elegant solution (keeps our enchantments in play) in BFZ. Anger of the Gods can be replaced with the Converge spell, but there is a definite difference between exiling and killing stuff, Deathmist Raptor and Hangarback Walker being two prime examples. In other matters, Pyromancer's Goggles as a 1-of is hilarious and surprisingly effective.

September 10, 2015 8:56 p.m.

Adamram1985 says... #7

I was considering making a blue white version using end hostilities, it isn't exactly an aetherspouts but it works. But if I do white for removal should I make it jeskai for the draw power of Magmatic Insight and Tormenting Voice

September 11, 2015 12:34 a.m.

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