Standard PAUPER - Is Green a viable strategy?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 2, 2016, 8:55 p.m. by ComixWriter
Our current MTGO Standard Pauper group is seriously considering allowing now-uncommon, once common rarity cards to make things easier on new players. If the vote confirms these additions, our group opens access to Rolling Thunder. Would a Gr Ramp deck best suit this decision? Could half a deck devoted to mana ramping be effective by using Reclaim and Rolling Thunder as its win condition? Is green viable at all, in the current standard pauper metagame? Thanks in advance!
KreepingShadow says... #3
I find it a bit strange that cards reprinted as uncommon aren't allowed in the first place, as far as I understood the rules for pauper if the card was EVER printed as common it is fair play, so long as it isn't banned of course.
February 3, 2016 4:19 a.m.
ComixWriter says... #4
Perhaps we could get more traction on my request by reminding you both how suggestions fit inside the Standard Pauper (only cards printed at common-rarity for the Standard format). While Scythe Leopard is certainly cool, it's not an available choice for me.
The confusion arises due to hosts for the format (now without the Standard Pauper filter for MTGO) want to ADD all previously-printed commons (which are now at uncommon rarity, like Rolling Thunder) to the mix.
Now, knowing that Rolling Thunder is an X cmc spell open to me, would a land-ramp green/colorless/red-for-Rolling Thunder deck work to take advantage of our skewed metagame?
February 3, 2016 3:27 p.m.
My fault...
So why not something like Snapping Gnarlid Makindi Sliderunner Map the Wastes Natural Connection Elemental Uprising Boiling Earth Valakut Predator Rolling Thunder Temur Battle Rage Chandra's Fury and bump spells to round out a landfall/burn deck?
I would still say Tajuru Pathwarden and Embermaw Hellion would be good in the deck build since they rock the trample ability
February 3, 2016 6:51 p.m.
ComixWriter says... #6
Thank you! This is more in line with what I hoped. Do you think I could drop more early creatures in lieu of land-fetching creatures (Loam Larva, Ainok Guide, Elemental Uprising) be enough until more lands come online for finishers like Rolling Thunder or Eldrazi Devastator? Once I have a dead creature/land or a sizable brute, could Feed the Clan or Pulse of Murasa help me recover from most non-red/hasted decks? Thanks again, hawk393!
February 3, 2016 7:04 p.m.
I definitely like Elemental Uprising its a turn 3 4/4 beater or if used correctly a quick creature removal. And yes. I believe if you wanted more ramp, Ainok Guide or Loam Larva could replace the two drops. And devastator is an evil monster to have to deal with as well.
hawk393 says... #2
Im not entirely sure about the competitive nature of the deck. But did build a mono green landfall/trample deck. Scythe Leopard and Snapping Gnarlid leading the way into Tajuru Pathwarden and Plated Crusher rounding out with spells that give creatures bumps or trample. Then land search cards to help the landfall ability. It works well enough.
February 2, 2016 10:07 p.m.