Standard pseudo-storm, is it feasable?

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on April 28, 2016, 9:28 a.m. by KreepingShadow

I was looking through my cards and a crazy idea struck me, could it be possible to utilize cards like Pyromancer's Goggles, Harness the Storm and Vessel of Volatility to abuse a mechanic like Prowess or flip Thing in the Ice  Flip extremely quickly? I know this isn't storm in the traditional sense, but just maybe it could allow for the explosiveness that storm is known for, but for a standard environment.

I was also thinking that cards like Sin Prodder, Abbot of Keral Keep or Jori En, Ruin Diver could help dig through the deck now that we've lost Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time. Maybe pore through the pages and Tormenting Voice as well? Along with lots of burn and cantrips like Expedite and Slip Through Space.

UR standard storm(ish)Any advice would be greatly appreciated, the list is more of a list of possible cards for brainstorming right now and will be updated and whittled down as I playtest.

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