Starting Standard
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on April 30, 2017, 1:34 a.m. by BlueMageBrandon
Hey Everyone! I recently decided to start playing Standard for a few reasons, namely I don't like Modern and I'm starting to get bored playing just EDH with my friends. And with Felidar Guardian getting banned, this seems like a perfect time to jump into Standard. I've been brewing a couple of decks (link) but I'm still not too sure on what I want to run. My favorite color is Blue and I would prefer more of a midrange/control deck. I also don't want to run a meta deck.
Any suggestions on what deck or cards to run would be great, as well as any advice about Standard in general would be great.
beetleborgs says... #2
I like your Temur Energy and Kefnet deck. For your energy deck may I suggest Bristling Hydra in replace of Glyph Keeper. They both practically have hexproof, but the hydra scales crazy into late game and fits the theme of the rest of your cards better. Also, I'm still a fan of Chandra, Flamecaller for her quick finishes, but that's just me. As for your kefnet deck, I've playtested something similar and Cryptic Serpent works great just like reveler, except it's constantly big. I also like the dimir one as well
April 30, 2017 1:54 a.m.