State of standard's meta/deck help
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 27, 2015, 6:28 p.m. by xenew
Hey there,I've decided to start to get into standard (specifically at FNM), after years of playing casually with some friends. So I'm basically wondering what is meta right now for standard (with the knowledge that meta changes from place to place). Furthermore, I wanted to see if anyone could give me some tips on a idea of standard deck that would do pretty well at FNM. I like to play golgari a lot, so I was thinking of making an elf deck, how solid do those decks do right now (with a "budget" of $100-$150)? Any other deck ideas are fully welcome! Thanks.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #3
B/G Elves is a solid budget deck for sure. The most expensive cards will be the land (Llanowar Wastes, Temple of Malady, maybe Mana Confluence) and Collected Company.
Otherwise you can build a solid RDW deck for $150.
August 28, 2015 12:55 p.m.
DreadnoughtMTG says... #4
I built a deck in your colors for around $150. I call it Grave Protector. It's a little bit of a shenanigan deck, but it's definitely a lot of fun to play!
You could lower the cost a bit by dropping some of the fetch lands. They do help with the bit of delve aspect going on but they aren't necessary in the quantities I have listed.
The side board could likely use a bit of a change up since this was built pre-Origins. The splash of R is also not a necessary part of the deck which could free up a few slots right off the bat for you to customize the deck to your local meta.
I haven't actually taken this one out to FNM but it did rather well in play testing. I've been stuck on a couple other builds which have been fun to play.
August 29, 2015 3:20 p.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #5
If you want to do elves, I'd strongly advise picking up a full playset of Collected Company while the price is still low from its Clash Pack printing. It's probably not going to get any cheaper!
August 29, 2015 3:55 p.m.
I'll go against what everyone said here and advise you not to buy any standard deck before rotation (october 2nd). We never know which decks will be played and which decks will not be played anymore, you might invest into something that will be useless come rotation. If you absolutely want to play standard before that I advise playing a budget mono red deck.
August 30, 2015 8:53 p.m.
To be fair decks like GW company or GB elves don't run a lot of rotatos so building either of those should be fine.
August 30, 2015 11:37 p.m.
DreadnoughtMTG says... #9
If you're wanting to do standard events rather seriously, this is actually pretty good advice from EssTea. With Landfall returning and Eldrazi Devoid business, it would definitely not be bad to hold until after BFZ drops to build your deck.
alulien says... #2
A damn decent elf deck can be made in that budget range, and I would say it's a budget deck that consistently over performs.
In regards to meta you'll have to check out the shop you're playing at. Shops that are blocks from each other can have drastically varying metas. And they can change from week to week. Understanding the player base at your store will help you to understand the meta and make better guesses at where it's moving.
August 27, 2015 8:16 p.m.