Sultai Combo Deck, looking for feedback

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on March 22, 2017, 1:31 p.m. by WarrKing

Marionette's Mastery

Standard WarrKing

SCORE: 4 | 799 VIEWS

I have been tinkering around with this deck a bit,seeing what I can accomplish in terms of competitiveness. I am happy of the direction it is heading, but would love a bit of feedback from the community. I originally built this deck centered around Marionette Master and her life-loss triggers. I just added in a splash of green to broaden my cardpool and give me answers to some of the decks biggest problems (like Stasis Snare).

There aren't any cards I refuse to use in the deck, but don't really want to run the Marionette Master + Verdurous Gearhulk combo, mainly because it would require 3 other sets of cards to be added to the deck, and at that point I am essentially just building a brand new deck.

But please let me know what you think! Thank you.

TL,DR: Im looking for any basic thoughts or feedback on my standard deck.

You want a way to sac artifacts upon casting, EMERGE my friend! Elder Deep-Fiend.

March 22, 2017 3:38 p.m.

WarrKing says... #3

UpperDeckerTaco Would Elder Deep-Fiend or other emerge creatures work for me though? Other than Filigree Familiar, all of my artifact creatures are servo tokens, so I wouldn't be getting much of a discount on the emerge creatures? I was under the impression they were over costed for what they do, because it was assumed you would emerge them to make them considerably cheaper... Maybe I am missing something?

March 22, 2017 4:53 p.m.

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