Sultai Sideboard Help Core 2020
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on July 11, 2019, 9:43 p.m. by WarriorMagic
This is an upgrade to the pre existing shells of sultai midrange/dreadhorde with a slight tribal aspect in risen reef in combination with cavalier of thorns and wild growth walker. I mainly need help deciding where veil of summer fits into the sideboard, but main deck suggestions are definitely welcome! Another add to the board that I want to make sure I don't overlook is aether gust. Now, I just want to point out that the board isn't going to be a hundred percent accurate, because we don't know what the meta looks like, but I want it to answer flood of tears, esper, mono blue, nexus, mono red, temur elementals, vampires, gruul dinosaurs, and boros feather. It is definitely weak to Gruul Aggro, so I would also appreciate advice on how to fix that deficit. Lastly, I need to know whether or not I need to play more removal like cast down. Thanks!