Sultai standard help

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 1, 2018, 12:09 a.m. by ZoinksScoocs

Hey guys. I am just getting back in since khans, and i realy want to build a standard sultai midrange deck. Could anyone fill me in on what good bug cards there are from sets before guilds that work in midrange control.

xhuggels says... #2

well, for card draw mechanics you have Search for Azcanta or Arguel's Blood Fast. You would want one or both of these since card advantage will be important for you. for removal you will want Vraska's Contempt and Assassin's Trophy from guilds. Kitesail Freebooter as been doing great, and i think Pilfering Imp might be worth a playtest. Going into the current meta that will have lots of graveyard shinanigans Deathgorge Scavenger will definately become stronger. Dire Fleet Poisoner could be useful depending on how many creatures you wanna run, as at its worst it acts as a flash deathtouch blocker. Ravenous Chupacabra works in some midrange decks as well. Siren Stormtamer is probably a 1 drop you would wanna look at. Hostage Taker went through a pupular phase. ive personally found Tetzimoc, Primal Death to be a nice 1 of in any deck that runs black. as far as counter-spells go Syncopate and Spell Pierce is probably among the better ones pre-guilds. idk its hard since BG wasnt really focused on pre-guilds at all, and most of the good BU cards got cycled, being replaced with stuff in Guilds. Also the only decent UG cards were merfolk, and they werent amazing either.

October 3, 2018 4:35 p.m.

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