temur help
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 9, 2015, 7:40 a.m. by atashiryuu
Hello having an issue gaining too many lands and not getting any creatures out. Only have khans_origins and want to stay away from m15_theros due to the upcoming rotation. Im currently doing ok usually running in the 70% win to loss ratio but any kill deck/fast aggro deck is whooping me pretty fast any help or suggestions is much appreciated thank you my deck is currently temurunbroken
JohnnyBaggins says... #3
Just so I break this down again:
A Temur Aggro plan would include lots of small ramp, as in 4 Elvish Mystic and 4 Rattleclaw Mystic along with ~23 land (4 of which are fetch lands) and finishing the opponent with a playset of each Thunderbreak Regent, Stormbreath Dragon and Savage Knuckleblade, Polukranos, World Eater and Surrak, the Hunt Caller are reasonable choices, too..
A midrange approach would remove the blue, probably running Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to power out cards like your Atarka. I have no idea how the deck exactly works, but if you google RG Devotion or Devotion to Gruul, you should find stuff.
If you want to play Temur Control, you run something like 3-4 Atarka and some walkers, along with some of the Icefall Regent and such. You run lots of Silumgar's Scorn, Lightning Strike, Anger of the Gods and Dissolve to keep your opponent from what they want to do. Once you control the board and have answers in hand, you start to deploy your bombs. I'm not sure if Temur Control can be done, but I think it could be somewhat viable.
Also, very important note to you: Skipping out on Four Sets of Magic cards is a horrible Idea. You'll never be able to assemble a deck that's actually competitive if you skip out on 4 sets of rares and mythics. Especially if you struggle against aggro you need to pick answers and leaving out around 700 cards that would be available greatly limits your answer pool.
Last but not least, every deck - every archetype - has matchups that are unfavorable. If there was a deck that was flawless against each other deck, nobody would play anything else. You're always weak to some certain strategy, at least before sideboarding. In general, Aggro beats Control, Control beats Midrange and Midrange beats Aggro, but it's not as simple.
Figure out what you want to play in Temur Colours. I'm sure we can make some cool deck up.
August 9, 2015 9:02 a.m.
atashiryuu says... #4
Thanks a ton what i really honestly want to play is a sarkhan deck with dragons i love the dragons in mtg kind of why i came back but my first deck wasnt all that great i know cutting out theros and m15 limits me but with low funds i want to focus on the future and have a viable deck moving into zendikar
August 9, 2015 9:43 a.m.
TheNextRedDude says... #5
Lately, I've been playing a pretty much mono-tarkir Temur Eldrazi minus Eldrazi, and See the Unwritten is awesome. Usually if i can play one by turn 5-7, ill win. Play it as at least a three of. Heres my list, if you want to check it out, Temur Eldrazi, minus the, uh, Eldrazi. Hmmm.
August 9, 2015 12:04 p.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #6
We're talking Sarkhan Unbroken, then? Well, then we're in Temur. Now, this is a starting point. The next question we have to answer in order to get closer to how we want to build your deck would be: What's Sarkhan? Your main win condition (It can't be. Other than Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Sarkhan probably won't ever win a game all on his own), a part of the Puzzle in the Curve or a Curvetopper? If he's a part of the puzzle, we're going more of a controlish-midrange deck. If he's the Curvetopper, he might me one or two of your three five-drops in an aggroish deck. You choose!
August 9, 2015 1:15 p.m.
atashiryuu says... #7
I revamped this morning and its running pretty smooth now. What i could use are some ideas for control.early on and i need to update my sideboard what would you drop for more control and do you think i made the right moved with what i pulled out the two avens were addes as either chump blocks or for their megamorph allowing me to return target creature plus sorry im really green as a player only started a month and a half ago
JohnnyBaggins says... #2
You don't have remotely close to enough land for the curve you are playing Also, your deck has no idea what it wants to do. You run 3 mediocre Mana Rampers at the 2 slots while missing out on the 1-drop that makes mana (Elvish Mystic and not playing the playset of the dude that makes you all your colours - Rattleclaw Mystic. You don't wan't to play Sylvan Caryatid, which is bad, because the card's amazing against aggro, but okay. You run stuff like Surrak Dragonclaw which is immensely costly and adds nothing to your game plan (similar with Yasova Dragonclaw) but skip on a playset of the best dragon for dragon tribal at the moment in Thunderbreak Regent. You play tons of slow mana and skip on the pain lands and fetch lands. You play things like Sword of the Animist and Illusory Gains which do little to nothing (especially Sword is abyssal in your deck. You run so much slow mana it's unlikely to impossible that you get off with a Turn 2 Sword, let alone a Turn 3 equip+attack) and you have little to nothing to attach it to.
You need to figure out what your deck wants to do and how it's achieving that goal. Do you want to be Aggro? Then some of the cards are just to expensive. And others make no sense.
Do you want to be Midrange Ramp? Then don't play blue. It adds nothing to your gameplan and makes the deck more instable.
Do you want to play controlling with big, fat finishers as in Atarka? Sure, but then some other cards like the command and the Ventmaw make no sense.
You need to decide what your deck wants to do - otherwise it won't stand a chance. Especially when you're playing against aggro, you need a plan.
If I were to build a Temur Deck, I'd build it somewhat like this: The Song of Ice and Fire. The only reasonable way to reliably cast your Atarkas is to cut the Blue from the deck and go into RG Devotion. If you want to play temur, you have to make it more agressive. You don't have the tools and the reliabilty to Ramp absurdly in Temur. 7 drops are hard, and, sorry to put it like this, impossible when running 21 lands.
August 9, 2015 8:48 a.m. Edited.