Tentacles control Meta Choices
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on June 16, 2016, 11:20 a.m. by Boza
Tentacles Control is based on cards that I already have. I plan to take part in a PPTQ/GPT this weekend with it.
Please do not suggest cards that are over 5 dollars, as I do not have a high budget for this project.
Currently, I have not played any standard since Oath first dropped, so i am quite unaware of the trends in today's standard, so I want to know if what I have so far is good enough versus the field. I only know GW Tokens is big and tried to accommodate for that.
I have subbed in 3 Spell Shrivel for 3 void shatter, leaving only 1 shatter. I did a 2/2 split of stasis snare and silk wrap, with 1 more snare in the side (I do not have a playset of silk wrap, but will try to find more).
Will rethink the SB to combat bant company better.
thanks for the help!
DamainXI says... #2
My first impression after looking at it is that the deck is very susceptible to bant company. There isn't very much in the way for removal or play in the early game and while it isn't that big of a problem with 25 lands, it is still possible to get hung up on 3 mana for a few turns which can shut down a hand with your commands or languishes. Also, the cards are stretched in all directions: Kalitas requires 2 black while stasis snare requires 2 white and void shatter requires 2 blue. All are plays you will probably want to do as early in the game as possible and so that requires a perfect land distribution every game.
That is my reasoning for my suggestions now here are my suggestions: swap 1-2 stasis snares and 2-3 void shatters for a playset of silkwraps. Swap out 2 cursh of tentabcles for 1 dispel and 1 horribly awry. I am also thinking maybe a wall of resurgence over an ulamog's reclaimer.
Hope this helps and good luck at the GPT.
June 16, 2016 1:39 p.m.