Thinking of taking this Homebrew to gameday, Could use some advice!

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on March 6, 2016, 2:34 p.m. by words120

Woodland Midrange

  • I'm trying to get back into semi-competitive standard(Played STD a lot from SOM-ISD Block,haven't played much since RTR Block). I've looked at a lot of the top decks; & Maybe its because standard has changed a lot since I played, but none of them really excite or look that fun to play.

  • So I came up with this quick 4 color Midrange deck I'm thinking of bringing to the next FNM. I wanted to make something where no card would be a dead draw, and still have some early game plays. I'm not sure if I should include some of Standards lack luster Board Wipes or not.

  • Any Thoughts, Suggestions, Opinions or advice about the Deck & Standards Current meta would be awesome, thanks!

words120 says... #2

Bump da funk, FNM is tomorrow help a bro out

March 10, 2016 2:38 p.m.

This discussion has been closed