Time to reflect
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on May 16, 2017, 4:37 p.m. by CalibanDJ
I want to know if I ban a creature with Time to Reflect, this creature is ban for the turn when I play my card or for the game ?I don't understand _Thx u !
So, you can only exile the Creature if it blocked or was blocked by a Zombie THIS TURN.
What you can do is wait until the next turn and say, "Your Creature was blocked by my Zombie last turn, so now I'm gonna exile it."
Once a card has been exiled it usually stays in exile, although there are cards, such as Processors, that can move cards from exile into the graveyard.
May 17, 2017 9:47 a.m.
I did a massive typo above.
It should've read: What you CAN'T do is wait until the next turn and say, "Your Creature was blocked by my Zombie last turn, so now I'm gonna exile it."
My apologies for any confusion caused by that.
Ryjo says... #2
The exile is permanent. The 'this turn' is only for checking if the targetr is valid.
May 16, 2017 5:58 p.m. Edited.