Triskaidekaphobia: Opinions?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 26, 2016, 2:18 p.m. by nateblego
So, Triskaidekaphobia. What's the best way to play it? Currently I'm thinking an Esper control build with some lifegain. Here's my rough draft of the deck:
The other idea, introduced by user:qgamercep, is a R/B Vampire Aggro build with Triskaidekaphobia as an alternate surprise wincon. It was designed to solve the problem of Triskaidekaphobia being defeated by Painlands by also just beating them down as an Aggro deck.
Olivia's 13
AwesomeOctopus says... #3
TBH, sounds like a card specifically designed for the casual player who likes crazy janky builds and EDH. If you can make a viable deck you certainly win points for creativity but it seems like a difficult wincon to work arround.
March 27, 2016 7:32 p.m.
The issue is that any deck playing pain lands just waits for you to stack the trigger and then pings themself. When a win condition is hard countered by a land, it's very difficult to play competitively.
March 29, 2016 10:46 a.m.
Dayfonron yeah, that is a problem. Thanks for pointing it out!
March 29, 2016 7:30 p.m.
qgameracep says... #7
Well you need as many ways to manipulate life totals as possible but the best way to do that is with creature attacks and burn so I think red black would be the colors of choice just attack people down to 13 then play the triskaidekaphobia as a surprise to put on pressure if they can't gain or lose any life on the next turn you win
but you totally lose to any one playing pain lands is what you might think right? so build the card into a red black aggro shell so if they hurt them selves off pain land for no reason its free damage i would look at it as a alternate early win con for a good aggro deck with diverse threats other than creatures and even if you miss the 13 life trigger you can continuous hit off 1 extra life a turn to put a clock on the game so one way or another when you reslove the card you generate pressure for your opponents to deal with and the game will end soon weather you win or lose
March 29, 2016 8:37 p.m.
qgameracep I like that idea. Maybe a R/B Vampires list with Triskaidekaphobia as a surprise wincon?
March 29, 2016 9:54 p.m.
qgameracep says... #9
nateblego sounds good let me know when you have a list id love to see it
March 30, 2016 10:51 a.m.
Perhaps toss in some land destruction to take care of pain lands and remove the opponent self pin, if the list allows it.
March 30, 2016 12:25 p.m.
Don't think land destrucution would work, unfortunately.
March 30, 2016 8:15 p.m.
March 30, 2016 8:26 p.m.
I didn't have the energy to read any of the above comments, so please forgive if I just reiterate what has already been said.
I coincidentally have been playtesting a Trisk (that word is too scary to try and spell) deck on cockatrice for the past few days. I've played around 15-20 games with various versions, some jankier then others. I finally settled on basically a burn build running Fiery Temper, Exquisite Firecraft and Alms of the Vein. Insolent Neonate is actually quite strong, as in the end, you don't care about damage past the first 7. I tinkered around with control version for awhile, mostly around the new Sorin's +1 revealing cards to lose them down to 13. I even tried playing a warriors version that tried pumping Zurgo Bellstriker then sac-ing it to a Blood-Chin Fanatic to get them down to that magical 13. In the end, I think the best way you can go about constructing a Trisk deck is either go full control to try to slowly whittle them down to 13 or full aggro, preferably with tons of burn thrown in.
Hope this insight helped a little!
March 30, 2016 8:50 p.m.
Wabbbit wow, that helped a lot! Gonna add the burn you mentioned to Olivia's Thirteen
Sigmafie says... #2
I saw that card and immediately wanted to brew around it because it seems very odd and arbitrary.
March 26, 2016 3:38 p.m.