U/W Standard Help on balancing cards
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on June 22, 2015, 4:51 p.m. by MundaneScatter
Hello, I'm new to this game and trying to use scraps from someone's card packs to get something very usable for cheap.
Probably going to keep Narset the Transcendent.
I'm mostly wondering about the following:Jace's Ingenuity vs Treasure Cruise, having Sunscorch Regent, having Pristine Skywise over more Sunscorch Regent and Icefall Regent, Negate vs Nullify
If there are cards I hadn't thought of that aren't expensive that would fit great, I'd like to know about those as well.
Also wondering about whether the deck has too much or too little of anything.
Treasure Cruise can become very cheap later on, but Jace's Ingenuity is an instant meaning that if they don't play anything threatening I can just cast it at the end of my turn. Not sure how to balance that.
As for the dragons, I'm not fond of paying $20 for Dragonlord Ojutai. Would like to keep 5-7 dragons around for Silgumar's Scorn.
Thanks in advance.
ducttapedeckbox says... #3
What type of deck do you want to play?
Do you want to have the game go at your own pace and prevent stuff from hitting the battlefield? Do you want to play beefy creatures? Do you want cheap creatures and go with combat tricks?
June 22, 2015 5:20 p.m.
MundaneScatter says... #4
From the few cards I think are usable I thought that a control deck was closest to what I found. The deck I have currently without anything in the acquireboard/maybe is basically a worse version of that. However, if there is another way of doing things that fits the budget, I'm all ears.
June 22, 2015 5:28 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #5
Control is a nice shell to build on a budget right now. We'll have to see what BFZ brings for counters, but a typical control shell should include 2-4 Dissolve, 2-3 Dissipate, 2-3 Disdainful Stroke, 2-4 Dig Through Time, 3-4 Anticipate, 1-2 Treasure Cruise. Not sure what I'm forgetting, but those are some auto includes, ignoring the suggested counts. Dig is going to be better than Cruise but can be replaced if you're under a tight budget.
If you want a Dragons subtheme, you'll probably want 4 Silumgar's Scorn (in place of Dissolve), 3 Icefall Regent, 2 Sunscorch Regent, and maybe 2 Pristine Skywise.
Those are just some estimates, I have no idea if the deck would work. I'm currently playing UR Control which would be a better shell for Dragons since you have access to Stormbreath and Thunderbreak Regent (although not budget friendly).
June 22, 2015 6:09 p.m. Edited.
MundaneScatter says... #6
I have 4 Silumgar's Scorn and 4 Dissolve for the main deck. Should I be replacing some of them with Dissipate or Disdainful Stroke?
June 22, 2015 6:20 p.m.
MundaneScatter says... #7
I've updated the deck. It's very different than what it used to be. Can the splash of white actually be any good? The removal is stronger than mono blue and has life gain, but the deck is now very close to mono-blue devotion. Would it be better to just get rid of the white entirely, or are there some white cards I'm not thinking of to take advantage of this?
June 27, 2015 10:02 p.m.
MundaneScatter says... #8
Can't believe I had the title wrong the whole time. Fixed.
omnipotato says... #2
Link for lazy:
Budget U/W (seeking advice)
June 22, 2015 5:09 p.m.