U/B Zombies

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on May 2, 2017, 1:07 p.m. by abenz419

I've been testing out an updated zombie list since Amonkhet came out. The deck is fun to play and resilient as hell. However, one problem I've had while testing the deck is playing against other grindy decks. Mostly Dynavolt Tower decks. I can run counter magic in my sideboard like Negate to help against their deck but as a 3 drop the tower comes down early enough that I can't guarantee I'll have an early answer let alone be able to take turns off that early hoping they play into my reactive counter magic. Once it hits the board I don't have a good way to deal with it and it's just an uphill battle the rest of the game. Is there something that I'm missing? Is there a good way to deal with artifacts in play in these colors?

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