U/G Crush Ramp

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on May 2, 2017, 6:40 a.m. by Guego

What do you think: Is it possible to get a U/G Ramp Deck in STANDARD? Unfortunately there is no efficient ramp sorcery in the current format.

MollyMab says... #2

There are some ramp cards, the issue is way they change your curve.

Pyramid of the Pantheon eats your turn 1, and turn 2 play, while only letting you cast a 2 drop on turn 3 and on turn 5 you get (assuming land every turn) +3 mana.

May 2, 2017 6:47 a.m.

shagg says... #3

I don't know how willing you are to build around him, but Rishkar, Peema Renegade allows you to invest in your board state as normal, and gives you the option of extra mana.

There's also Bounty of the Luxa, but at 4cmc it does nothing for your early game, much like pyramid.

May 2, 2017 9:04 a.m.

abby315 says... #4

Traverse the Ulvenwald or Attune with Aether grabbing a wastes into Ruin in Their Wake is the most efficient spell ramp we have to put you ahead of curve early. A t3 Thought-Knot can be pretty devastating, t4 Reality smasher too. I would start looking there--but I would run r/g for Kozilek's Return and Harnessed Lightning. Crush is great, but without removal you'll be bashed in by GB snek or vehicles on the draw and just lose before you get out any big creatures!

I would also bet that 1-2 Aetherworks Marvel would be a good include to use up energy and power through big drops.

I can brew up a sample list in an hour or so :)

May 2, 2017 10:50 a.m. Edited.

Guego says... #5

I think Part the Waterveil would also be a strong card. But there is no efficient way to maintain the combination, since there is no Den Protector ... and the enchantment Bounty of the Luxa is unpredictable. When you play Crush of Tentacles and your Aetherworks Marvel goes back to your hand its pretty bad.

May 2, 2017 11:39 a.m.

DaftVader says... #6

This is the one I updated from an older version (yay shameless plugs)

Ulamog's Summer Holiday

Standard* DaftVader


You have trouble against aggressive decks if they draw burn for you ramp guys, but other than that it's actually surprisingly consistent.

Amonkhet gave GU ramp Weaver of Currents, Bounty of the Luxa, Channeler Initiate, Censor, Essence Scatter, spring / mind. I haven't tested all the options yet, but I wish you luck, and hope that this list gives you some ideas.

May 2, 2017 12:25 p.m.

abby315 says... #7

I'll shameless plug of my own, just to float different ideas! Here's what I meant by a G/R/colorless build, splashing blue for Spring / Mind and sideboard Nissa:

Temur/colorless ramp

It's a more typical ramp strategy, with spells not creatures, and packs more protection against aggro. Hope you figure out a build you like. :)

May 3, 2017 5:49 p.m.

Here's a suggestion, why not play a Bant or Temur Crush deck? Why you ask...Oaths!!!

Bant Crush would allow you to play a midrange game without worrying about having weird and useless ramp spells late game. The oaths are still great and people forget about the other Oaths. Oath of Gideon is just value. When you just are able to recur it when you play a Crush. As well as Oath of Nissa, and even Oath of Jace. Drawing cards is what you want. Now creatures assist in this, especially those with ETB effects, such as Rogue Refiner and Renegade Rallier. It's a way to grind through your deck and the match up and always get value.

Temur allows you to use Oath of Chandra as a recurring removal spell, so instead of Oath of Gideon you would use Chandra's Oath. You still get Rogue Refiner, but instead of Renegade Rallier you get a recursive Whirler Virtuoso. The value is there!

Both ways I feel can be viable. You might not need to necessarily ramp too much, just put ramp creatures into play such as Servant of the Conduit, which would go well with a sub-energy theme. Hell, even use Cryptolith Rite. People keep forgetting that is a card and it can ramp you pretty hard. Especially with tokens and such.

May 5, 2017 1:13 a.m.

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