Updating deck for Ixalan

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 7, 2017, 1:26 p.m. by dommi

In my deck 6 million, choose one, I have made some changes already for the upcoming set. I didn't realize that Collective Defiance was going to get phased out and I need a replacement. I think that the lightning strike card would be good from the new set, but is there an alternative now, in the sets that aren't going to be phased out of standard or even a better card that lightning strike?

abby315 says... #2

Lightning Strike is almost definitely going to be the best burn spell in standard, so I think it should go in! For reference, back when WotC wanted to move away from powerful spells, they made Lightning Strike the less broken version of Lightning Bolt, and then decided that Strike was too strong and tried to downgrade it to Incendiary Flow. But now it's back! So use it while we can!

September 7, 2017 2:28 p.m. Edited.

I just looked at your deck. You for sure want Lightning Strike in place of Collective Defiance and Shock should be in the main deck in place of Magma Spray since it also can hit the opponent. Your sideboard should fill out play sets of Abrade Cut / Ribbons etc. As well as include Lay Bare the Heart Unburden against control and Magma Spray for pesky things like Earthshaker Khenra Scrapheap Scrounger

September 7, 2017 6:26 p.m.

I meant fill out Torment of Hailfire not Cut / Ribbons

September 7, 2017 6:27 p.m.

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