What is the best Gates tribal deck?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 6, 2019, 6:52 a.m. by Colonel_Kink
Hi, so i currently play ink gates (wurg) i find it has incredible power, as the - Plaza of Harmony gains 3 life and helps fix your mana. (helps against aggro)
- Guild Summit beats control (too much card draw)
- Gates Ablaze (good against aggro and midrange.)
- Gatebreaker Ram (is a threat they must deal with.)
-angel, gains you a billion life beating aggro.
but the other cards im not too sold on. i mean circuitous route ramps and draws cards with guild summit (which is good)
(hydroid krasis is great but budget replaceable with the 8 mana gate 8/8) and leaves me with a few cards to play around with.
however i suck at sideboarding and am unsure what the best cards to use in a gate tribal sideboard would be. and what do i take out? (i feel that the meta is currently aggro, and control at the moment in my area.)
my bad, missed that you already had Gates Ablaze . Doesn't really seem like you'd need to sideboard that differently for aggro tbh
February 6, 2019 9:11 a.m.
Once a Circuitous Route hits it feels like it's nearly impossible to keep a Gate Colossus threat at bay especially in conjunction with Guild Summit . I got pummeled by some guy's Gate deck on Arena the other day two games in a row after matching with him again. It was truly inspiring.
February 6, 2019 9:53 a.m.
Legendary_penguin_of_death says... #6
I like the turbo turns gate deck the best. It uses nexus of fate and guild summit as a draw engine
February 6, 2019 8:29 p.m.
RyuSama1990 says... #7
gates are not "tribal". the term tribal refers exclusively to creature types.
February 6, 2019 10:13 p.m.
RyuSama1990 Tribal in this context is used to indicate cards that are synergistic with a certain card subtype. In this case, it's in regard to Gates and cards that work well with Gates. And tribal isn't necessarily exclusive to "creature" cards per se, because something like Aquitect's Will refers to a creature type, but it is not one nor is it a permanent.
Regardless, tribal is tribal. I've seen a guy use a deck with cards that had hats in the artwork and he called it hat tribal. It was a funny gimmick, but nobody argued against it. My point is that tribal is a term that can be used very loosely.
Skoodly says... #2
Growth Spiral is pretty good if you're not using that rn
I'm no standard player, but for aggro I'd recommend Gates Ablaze (2-4 copies), maybe even maindeck, and for control some sideboard Negates or Absorbs could do good
February 6, 2019 9:08 a.m.