What would you edit: Mono White?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 17, 2017, 9:38 a.m. by Wyrmweird
Poor White Trash is a mono white I've been tinkering with and finally added Archangel Avacyn Flip, Thalia's Lancers and Metallic Mimic. How would you tinker with it? More mimics? Add my one copy of Walking Ballista? Do you see any holes that need to be filled?
I think -2 Hanweir Militia Captain Flip +2 Metallic Mimic.
Mimic is effectively another Thalia's Lieutenant. It was 1-3 in FNM. All three losses were against tower control. It won a game in each match. It won a match vs Sram Os.
I'm not sure I agree that it's all over the place. I may add another Avacyn and Gisela if I continue to play it. Also considering a second color but undecided about which color. ...whichever color helps against control :p
March 18, 2017 12:21 p.m.
I should add that the sideboard is different then listed on the deck list. I'll update it later.
March 18, 2017 12:23 p.m.
MangaVentFreak13 says... #5
I have so many questions and so little to work off of... Questions: 1) The games you won each round, what game were they and why did you win? 2) Are you shooting for a budget deck? - if not why aren't you playing as many copies of Gideon, Ally of Zendikar as possible? 3) What are you playing Collective Effort and Fragmentize mainboard? 4) Why only one copy of Always Watching ?
5) Have you considered a GW Humans build? Renegade Rallier after you sacrifice a clue using the revolt trigger to bring back Thalia's Lieutenant is so dirty...
I ask all this because one of the guys at my LGS is running a Mono white deck pretty often and pretty well. It does well against the "two decks" and I could see you getting there with something similar but with your flair if you wanted. Either way, best of life.
March 19, 2017 6:01 a.m.
Hey Magna, good questions. The games I won in the round were due to getting my early drops on board before the opponent had the land to play all three removal colors. Horribly Awry and Harnessed Lightning were the most effective against me.
It is a budget build, hence no Gideon =(. I'm not sure I'll get any b/c he's rotating soonish... still on the fence about 100+$ on the playset.
Collective Effort looked good with the +1 counters on a wide board and a trick I was considering Stasis Snare my own creature in response to Harnessed Lightning then Collective Effort on my turn to destroy the snare... was just a goofy flicker I had dreamed up. Never used it =p IIRC I left frag in the main because of the amount of artifact decks I saw. Otherwise my main is all gas to go wide and fast. Might need to be faster, like the other poster mentioned. Turbo human!
I agree there should be more Always Watching
A player at the LGS had GW humans and he won the FNM, so definitely looking to get out of mono white. I'm slowly building up the cards to make better, cohesive decks. Sometimes it is just patchwork that gets flattened by the experienced deck builders.
March 19, 2017 7:40 a.m.
MangaVentFreak13 and KarmaDread, do you think it would be better to ditch Gisella and Brunas to add 3 more Archangel Avacyn Flip? Then it would be 20 humans and 4 Avacyn. That would only set me back about 40ish dollars instead of getting all 4 Gideons at about 100+ bucks.
March 19, 2017 4:46 p.m.
MangaVentFreak13 says... #8
I hate how expensive Bruna is, but Gisela is awesome, especially with Always Watching . I would get 2 Gisela and one more Avacyn. But remember, Gideon is a better card in almost every way. And when he rotates out of standard he'll be playable in Frontier so his value isn't going anywhere for a while.
March 20, 2017 4:23 a.m.
Thanks for the comment, Manga. It's a good point about Gideon being good enough to play after rotation. Sigh...saving money for 2 copies. If I can get to FNM this week I'll post update with more Always Watching and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
KarmaDread says... #2
to be honest this deck is kinda all over the place standard right now is kind of one of those formats where having multiple of the same cards are good and get you a better chance to draw the cards you need like we all know when i looked at your deck in my mind i was going to ask what are you trying to go for? because if you want big angels just play the melding turbo deck where you can meld both of the angels on turn 5 or turn 6 to be honest i don't know why your running mimic it's only good for like a super hands down one creature type deck like if your running all vampire creatures then yes that would make sense so idk what your trying to do with this deck but hit me up when you find the answer alright
March 17, 2017 6:42 p.m.