where do I go next

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on March 30, 2016, 1:49 p.m. by hawk393

siege of bala ged

Don't mind the description in the deck yet... i haven't gotten around to changing it and why I have certain cards in there.

Right now, I have an avian color deck that is powerful and fast, but it is inconsistent due to the fact that my "split" man colors are off in a major way. The deck is extremely flexible based on what I get from my opening hand. For example I can play any card with the "right" mana. But the problem is I have to many low drops in different colors.

It feels as if I need both green and black as a 2of color.option in my own hand. And I done like It.

I feel like I could take out black all together and find white replacements for removal, or vice versa for the the two colors. But I also feel like green is too late game though its the biggest part of my deck.

I suppose what i am asking, is what should I trim and what do you like about the deck. What should i focus my shell on vs trying to do "eeverything"

Side note: I was considering splashing blue for dragon Lord silumgar as a 2 of sideboard.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Should i just kill the deck?

hawk393 says... #2

I also feel like i could add Jaddi Offshoot and Zendikar's Roil to make a token/lifegain possibility of I added more mana search in place of black colors.

Or add more white removal and do dromoka control?

March 30, 2016 1:54 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #3

You may want to add "Abzan" and "mana" to your autocorrect dictionary. I was confused as to what an "Avian colored" deck was.

March 30, 2016 2:39 p.m.

omnipotato says... #4

Abzan's gonna be really bad post rotation. I'd consider cutting a color so your mana will be better.

March 30, 2016 7:28 p.m.

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