Will EMN Spirit Aggro be a thing?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on July 7, 2016, 12:52 p.m. by BaronNasfix
Mausoleum Wanderer, Spell Queller, Selfless Soul and Wharf Infiltrator could all go well in a White/Blue Spirit aggro deck. (tappedout hasn't quite got all the links to these cards up yet). Would this be worth considering come EMN standard? Pair it with Topplegeist, Rattlechains and Bygone Bishop and you could have a good pure value aggro deck.
It is possible. Flying is pretty strong in standard right now, and Rattlechains makes for some good combat tricks. I am not sure you would want to go aggro, but a tempo deck with something like Reflector Mage splashed in. You'd also probably want Always Watching to make the deck more potent. It could also go Bant since there are some good green spirits being revealed. Permeating Mass is hilarious and potentially worth adding to a spirit deck. Also, would it turn Gideon, Ally of Zendikar when he +1's?? Because that would be amazing and hilarious to flash in the Mass and block. If you went bant you could run Tamiyo, Field Researcher, but of course I am just spit balling here.
It is definitely worth brewing a deck to see. Let me know what you cook up!
DarksteelBadger says... #2
July 7, 2016 1:44 p.m.