Standard MTG Forum
Shifting realities (Closed)
Tasigur is the real deal in Standard (Closed)
Grand Master and Mentor.. (Closed)
The underrated cards of FRF (Closed)
scry lands v. fetch lands (Closed)
Awesome bad combo (Closed)
Infinite mana combos (Closed)
Sandsteppe Mastodon in Sidisi Whip? (Closed)
How to beat Hornet Queen (Closed)
Will Jeskai abuse this? (Closed)
Newbie here (Closed)
Control in Standard (Closed)
Will Manifest be Competitive? (Closed)
Need Ideas for Standard Cards (Closed)
Abzan Control and Fate Reforged (Closed)
Abzan Whip? (Closed)
Abzan Midrange in Fate Reforged (Closed)
Boss Sligh and the Future (Closed)
Two really dumb deck ideas (Closed)
Skinny Little Bald Dudes (Closed)
Mardu or Jeskai (Closed)
Deck help on Standard Sliver deck (Closed)
Crux of Fate in Standard? (Closed)
Valorous Stance (Closed)
Budget-Standard Format (Closed)
Is Mono-Black dead? (Closed)
Beating temur (Closed)
The Morphs (Closed)
The Control Conundrum (Closed)
Competitive Temur (Closed)
Standard legal help? (Closed)
Combating Whip in Standard (Closed)
what to plat in standard? (Closed)
budget standard options? (Closed)
Standard sleepers? (Closed)
cheap wrath effects (Closed)
Help with general metagame (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
- Stunting Standard
- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options