Standard MTG Forum
Jeskai Fireworks; Still Viable? (Closed)
Jeskai Fireworks; Still Viable? (Closed)
question on a reprint (Closed)
Courser vs Herald (Closed)
standard choice "again" XD (Closed)
which list should i run in standard? (Closed)
Mardu Charm...Why No Luv? (Closed)
Dissipate in the current meta (Closed)
Best Standard Environment Ever (Closed)
green devotion (Closed)
Polymorphist's Jest (Closed)
Feed the Midrange (Closed)
Cheating caught by SCG (Closed)
Jeskai control creatures (Closed)
standard mtg (Closed)
Soul of New Phyrexia (Closed)
Calling all Jeskai Tempo players! (Closed)
Khans Tribes Creatures (Closed)
Devotion to Crater's Claws? (Closed)
Athreos in Abzan Midrange? (Closed)
MGD in a flying meta (Closed)
State of Mana Dorks in Standard (Closed)
Card comparison :D (Closed)
The Value of Card Draw? (Closed)
Is Red Devotion possibly viable? (Closed)
Reanimation Viable? (Closed)
Returning to Standard (Closed)
Nissa or Rabblemaster (Closed)
Let's talk a bit about Hornet Nest (Closed)
Beating Jeskai Wins (Closed)
Ivan Floch's UB Control (Closed)
Standard Card Pool Thoughts (Closed)
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