Standard MTG Forum
White weenie, How many anthems?? (Closed)
8 mutavault (Closed)
Is Boros Burn a good pick? (Closed)
Mono White Aggro? (Closed)
What deck to pick before rotation? (Closed)
No More Mono Black Devotion? (Closed)
Simic Shell With A Splash (Closed)
[[Liliana vess]] in b/w midrange (Closed)
Post Rotation B/R Minotaur Deck (Closed)
New Card Draw? (Closed)
So, about Resolute Archangel. (Closed)
Keranos finished? (Closed)
mono w tokens (Closed)
Read the Bones vs Sign in Blood (Closed)
[[nissa, worldwaker]] options (Closed)
Mana Confluence in 2 colors? (Closed)
"Inspired" by M15 (Closed)
Golgari Cards for control (Closed)
Investing in 3 colors for midrange (Closed)
Akroan Horse: What is it good for? (Closed)
Mono U Devotion post rotation (Closed)
Urborg (Closed)
Quick Question (Closed)
Bant Control Shell, # of Coursers (Closed)
Generator Servant Speculation (Closed)
Aetherspouts...hmmmm? (Closed)
Ajani's Pridemate (Closed)
Best shell for Garruk (Closed)
Dissolve vs Dissipate? (Closed)
most expensive deck in standard (Closed)
Bug control is a thing? (Closed)
Killin' weenies with white? (Closed)
Standard format rotation question... (Closed)
Waste Not Deck? (Closed)
Who'll be playing Raise the Alarm? (Closed)
Standard Dredge (Closed)
[[Polymorphist's Jest]] (Closed)
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