Standard MTG Forum
green blue (Closed)
polis crusher debate (Closed)
So Kruphix has been declared bad... (Closed)
Are event decks good? (Closed)
Mono-Black Devotion or Esper? (Closed)
Are rats friends with snakes? (Closed)
If Brainstorm were in standard... (Closed)
Assemble the Legion still worth it? (Closed)
The Best Card in Standard (Closed)
Solidarity of Heroes (Closed)
Multicolor control decks in Standard (Closed)
B/W Constellation (Closed)
How do I U/B without mill? (Closed)
Esper Control Mirror (Closed)
Post journey decks (Closed)
Mono-Black Post RTR? (Closed)
New Set, New Meta (Closed)
Green removal (Closed)
Best Uncommon (Closed)
Bant infinite combo - standard (Closed)
Challenge time! Help me! (Closed)
[[Revoke Existence]] or [[Deicide]] (Closed)
Some thoughts on MonoWhite (Closed)
Turning on gods quickly (Closed)
How should Bant look after JOU? (Closed)
Aristocrats in Standard? (Closed)
The state of control in standard (Closed)
SCG Cincy Open Meta Predictions (Closed)
Help with my Standard deck! (Closed)
How to kill fiendslayer with grixis? (Closed)
G/B Dredge's Matchups? (Closed)
New Combo? (Closed)
New to standard (Closed)
Q and A! Pre-Article Shenanigans. (Closed)
Journey Into Nyx (Closed)
Post-Rotation Metagame (Closed)
Green white constil (Closed)
[[deicide]] (Closed)
Lil combos (Closed)
[[lavinia of the tenth]] (Closed)
courser of kruphix (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
- Stunting Standard
- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options