Standard MTG Forum
what are the board wipes for rwb (Closed)
Battlefield Thaumaturge (Closed)
Can we talk about Nyx-Fleece Ram? (Closed)
Looking For Budget Deck Idea (Closed)
Replacement for cloudfin raptor (Closed)
[[Manaweft Sliver]] , the Underused (Closed)
Possibility Storm good SB card? (Closed)
What Have I Missed? (Closed)
[[boros reckoner]] combo? (Closed)
Standard brewing (Closed)
Dictate of the Twin Gods (Closed)
UR Devotion now viable? (Closed)
My love for Mono Black (Closed)
Can orzhov stop Blood Baron? (Closed)
Drown in Sorrow vs Anger of the Gods (Closed)
[[Ascended Lawmage]] Potential? (Closed)
The Struggle of the Gods (Closed)
UW after RtR Rotates Out (Closed)
B/W Idea? (Closed)
Dictate of Kruphix (Closed)
Esper Heros (Closed)
Conspiracy (Closed)
izzet midrange? (Closed)
Phenax (Closed)
Red/blue mana ramps (Closed)
Azorius Philosophy (Closed)
New standard contender? (Closed)
Athreos + eater of hope? (Closed)
Bant vs. Esper Control (Closed)
Rank the Gods (Closed)
whats good? (Closed)
bramblecrush (Closed)
Mono black after RTR rotates out? (Closed)
What this (Closed)
got pwned by a dirty RUG combo (Closed)
Kruphix support (Closed)
Is it control is it possible (Closed)
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