Standard MTG Forum
Can detain be strong in Standard? (Closed)
Standard Possible Ban (Closed)
Cheap Standard Decks? (Closed)
[[Devour Flesh]]- WHY??? (Closed)
Attrition in Standard? (Closed)
Why doesn't Mono Blue splash White? (Closed)
Ravnica block rotating thoughts (Closed)
Archangel of Thune (Closed)
Best fit for Elspeth, Sun's Champion (Closed)
Naya Midrange or Control? (Closed)
Collective Blessing in Standard (Closed)
Which deck should I use? (Closed)
Standard Deck Predictions (Closed)
Fitting in Abhorrent Overlord! (Closed)
Orzhov Aggro vs Chavest Midrange? (Closed)
Azorius control or boros control? (Closed)
spirit of the labyrinths true power (Closed)
[[kiora's follower]] (Closed)
Spiteful Returned (Closed)
Encroaching Waste in UW control? (Closed)
[[herald of torment]] (Closed)
[[Hunter's Prowess]] (Closed)
What is your "Meta-Crusher" deck? (Closed)
BNG Standard (Closed)
Born of the Gods Event Deck (Closed)
LifeLink vs deathtouch trample (Closed)
Don't Know What to Play (Closed)
Brimaz in Midrange? (Closed)
Bant Control? (Closed)
[[Trait Doctoring]] has a place? (Closed)
New Golgari with Bile Blight (Closed)
Homebrew decks (Closed)
Chromanticore and Civic Saber (Closed)
Why does nobody run DRS in standard (Closed)
Oracle's Insight? (Closed)
Born of the Gods Thoughts (Closed)
Making Ruric Thar work! (Closed)
Criminally Underplayed Cards (Closed)
Packs Cycling Out (Closed)
Stormbreath Dragon Discussion (Closed)
Triad of Fates (Closed)
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Recently Added
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