Standard MTG Forum
Soul Tithe? (Closed)
I miss farseek (Closed)
Competitive Deck Playtests (Closed)
Trait Doctoring combo, maybe? (Closed)
Pack rat: not just a limited bomb? (Closed)
Supreme Verdict; not so airtight. (Closed)
I found something broken. (Closed)
Ashen Rider (Closed)
Slumbering Giants (Closed)
fetch lands (Closed)
Post your aggro deck here!! (Closed)
Post your control deck here!!! (Closed)
Underworld Cerberus in Standard? (Closed)
Is it worth it? (Closed)
Standard FNM decks (Closed)
Izzet or American? (Closed)
Plummet Vs Deadly Recluse? (Closed)
Playtesting (Closed)
How to use Lazav. (Closed)
mono black devotion splashes? (Closed)
Ok, so I got my brew hat on again... (Closed)
All Win-Cons in Standard (Closed)
"Destroy Target Black Creature"? (Closed)
Standard Artifacts! (Closed)
Pack Rats (Closed)
how usefull is Fade into Antiquity (Closed)
Boros Reckoner ruling question... (Closed)
Rubblebelt Maaka in RDW? (Closed)
Lifegain deck??? (Closed)
Mono-white answers for Control? (Closed)
Which deck? (Closed)
Return to ravnica's lifespan? (Closed)
simic - is it still a thing? (Closed)
Prognostic Sphinx??? (Closed)
Competitive sideboard choices (Closed)
Is 4 Boros Reckoners needed? (Closed)
Can budget work? (Closed)
BUG controls sideboarding choice. (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
- Stunting Standard
- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options