Standard MTG Forum
New standard (Closed)
How to ramp without creatures? (Closed)
Grixis vs Dega vs Dimir vs Izzet (Closed)
Looking for mono white (Closed)
One last ISD event Tonight! (Closed)
[[stymied hopes]] (Closed)
A competitive deck? (Closed)
[[Advent of the Wurm]] Replacement? (Closed)
[[trading post]] reanimator? (Closed)
best heroic deck? (Closed)
Prophet of Kruphix Seems Crazy Good (Closed)
Heroic Triggers (Closed)
Theros Combos (Closed)
Token Combos (Closed)
Izzet charm and the Gods (Closed)
Rakdos Control and Jund theros deck (Closed)
Esper or Grixis Control (Closed)
Good use of Ogre Battledriver (Closed)
Trostani, bestow and Gods (Closed)
Ciphering? (Closed)
Enchantment removal question (Closed)
Which one? (Closed)
Heroic Question (Closed)
Cheap, effective, (tribal) decks (Closed)
Aggro losing speed? (Closed)
Curse of the Swine + Ratchet Bomb (Closed)
counterflux (Closed)
Titans coming back into Standard? (Closed)
Help me decide! (Closed)
Ramp-lovers, express your grief here (Closed)
Help me pick a control archetype... (Closed)
Ways to cheat in Ashen Rider? (Closed)
Standard lifegain discussion. (Closed)
[[xathrid necromancer]] (Closed)
Reckoner shenanigans (Closed)
Land destruction post Theros (Closed)
A Selesnya Showdown (Closed)
what do you do with B/W? (Closed)
Bant vs America (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
- Stunting Standard
- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options