Standard MTG Forum
Whats your controlling creature? (Closed)
Aggro Mana base? (Closed)
what about [[Meletis Charlatan]] (Closed)
Back into playing MTG! (Closed)
The future of GW (Closed)
[[Witchstalker]] isnt ... (Closed)
Orzhov control (Closed)
Nylea's presence...Is it good? (Closed)
do you think new gods are (Closed)
hadnt hercules had kll her? (Closed)
Gods and +1/+1 (Closed)
Taking advantage of scry (Closed)
Elspeth (Closed)
Legion's Initiative + Purphoros? (Closed)
Can Erebos Be Dealt With? (Closed)
Deck Help needed Early (Closed)
Polukranos, World Eater (Closed)
Reanimator in Theros (Closed)
Standard elves deck? (Closed)
First rotation advice (Closed)
Soldier of OMG a 6/5 on Turn 2!! (Closed)
Theros green land card advantage? (Closed)
Purphoros and Erobos (Closed)
Possible Izzet Combo? (Closed)
Control Colors (Closed)
B/R or B/R/X Human's Post Rotation? (Closed)
Junk Reanimator in Theros?? (Closed)
Theros deck idea (Closed)
G/W hexproof post rotation (Closed)
Standard Playability (Post rotation) (Closed)
G/R aggro or G/R midrange in theros? (Closed)
Gruul in post-rotation Standard? (Closed)
Draw cards in red? (Closed)
Day of mourning september 27 (Closed)
How to prepare for new rotation. (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
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