Standard MTG Forum
[[blightcaster]] post rotation? (Closed)
Pyrix of pandemonium (Closed)
Standard on a Budget? (Closed)
Chained to the Rocks in Mono W (Closed)
Theros so far: Mono (Closed)
Newest of the New Theros Spoilers (Closed)
Replacement for Avacyn's Pilgrim (Closed)
Merfolk Standard (Closed)
New [[augur of bolas]]? (Closed)
Theros Brings Mono-Color Back. (Closed)
Saying Farewell to Snapcaster (Closed)
Will the Souls stop Lingering? (Closed)
Voice vs Ooze (Closed)
Why is Esper the best Control? (Closed)
Celestial Archon (Closed)
How many is too many? (Closed)
Suggest A Deck For Standard! (Closed)
Draw power post rotation? (Closed)
Why does this not see play? (Closed)
Naya still possible? (Closed)
My triumphant return to standard (Closed)
Help with B/W Humans Sacrifice (Closed)
Best Ramping (Closed)
Your favorite Infinite Combo? (Closed)
Rancor moving out (Closed)
Satyr Hedonist (Closed)
[[Battle-Hymn]] Question (Closed)
Elite Arcanist, standard viable? (Closed)
Standard counters... (Closed)
HEXPROOF? (Closed)
help Q about boros reckoner (Closed)
M14 Event Deck: I like it! (Closed)
best removal (Closed)
Post-rotation humans (Closed)
What To Play? (Closed)
how to stop [[slaughter games]]? (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
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- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options