Standard MTG Forum
Best removal in standard (Closed)
Gruul War Chant (Closed)
Sorcery at Instant Speed (Closed)
Thoughts of Advocate of the Beast? (Closed)
Archangel of Thune in Dega? (Closed)
Best aggro? (Closed)
Best midrange? (Closed)
evolve + Aetherling viable?? (Closed)
New SB tech against control? (Closed)
Random Bant thoughts before bed (Closed)
Pyromancer + Turn/Burn (Closed)
Pyromancer after self-casted Wrath? (Closed)
BIG RED Discussion (Closed)
Help against Esper Control? (Closed)
Archangel of Thune & Obzedat (Closed)
Can you best this standard deck? (Closed)
Blood Baron vs Shadowborn Demon (Closed)
So whats good in M14? (Closed)
Why is [[Mutavault]] good? (Closed)
Best Colors for Kalonian Hydra (Closed)
Underrated 2014 cards (Closed)
"sweeper" for grixis control (Closed)
[[burning earth]] is legit! (Closed)
Rant of a BAAAD FNM experience (Closed)
Slivers (Closed)
Which deck? (Closed)
seraph of the sword (Closed)
Mutavault in Control Builds? (Closed)
FNM Tonight with Grixis (Closed)
ways around terminus (Closed)
CorpseJackPalooza (Closed)
Complicated boardstates (Closed)
[[Haunted plate mail]] (Closed)
Give/take and Wight of precinct six (Closed)
Emmara Tandris not horrible?!?! (Closed)
Sliver color combos (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
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- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
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- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
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