Standard MTG Forum
Will Jund Hydra be a thing? (Closed)
Hexproof mirror match solution (Closed)
Angelic Accord deck (Closed)
Token decks crippled in standard? (Closed)
Where does Archangel of Thune fall? (Closed)
Mutavault + descendant's path (Closed)
Goodbye [[vampire nighthawk]]... (Closed)
Sin Collector vs. Duress (Closed)
Are burn decks competitve? (Closed)
Can Mill be competitive? (Closed)
A new "caw blade" deck for standard? (Closed)
Aristocrats post rotation? (Closed)
My first Friday Night Magic win (Closed)
The Rotation Jitters: premature? (Closed)
Post Rotation RDW: Viable? (Closed)
Mono-color with Guilds (Closed)
Master of Cruelties "finishers" (Closed)
Shadowborn Sac Combo (Closed)
So, Mutavault anyone? (Closed)
Aggro Post- Rotation? (Closed)
Archangel for Token Deck? (Closed)
How do I get rid of Aetherling? (Closed)
Split Cards (fuse mechanic) (Closed)
Garruk, Caller of Beasts (Closed)
What is R/W/U Flash? (Closed)
Help with Standard Mill Deck (Closed)
UG(BW) Self mill in Standard? (Closed)
Preferred win cons for Grixis STD (Closed)
Extort Deck! (Closed)
Izzet goes Standart! (Closed)
Wizards Curb-Stomping Multicolored? (Closed)
Runner's Bane (Closed)
is two color's enough? (Closed)
Door of Destinies VS undying (Closed)
Any Grixis Control Players in STD? (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
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- Question about Standard rotation
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