Standard MTG Forum
Lets See Your Grixis Decks (Closed)
Bant Auras critters... (Closed)
Guild Champ Abuse (Closed)
geist not used as much anymore? (Closed)
What will come of Buddy Lands? (Closed)
An FNM report! (Closed)
Help with Junk Aristocrats! (Closed)
Providing Vigilance in Standard (Closed)
Good Gruul three-drops (Closed)
Junk Auras (Closed)
Small Tourney Wednesdays at 5PM (Closed)
Help on sideboard (Closed)
R/U/W deck (Closed)
selensya event deck (Closed)
When to use guildgates? (Closed)
Pro Tour DGM #1 deck (Closed)
Draw power for Grixis? (Closed)
Varolz and Tokens (Closed)
M14 Spoilers: Savage Summoning (Closed)
Merciless Eviction viable? (Closed)
Guttersnipe (Closed)
Sacrificing High Priest of Penance (Closed)
Input on [[Mill You FTW]] (Closed)
The Better Choice (Closed)
Boros Aggro Deck (Closed)
Blood Scrivener card draw (Closed)
Building a proper sideboard (Closed)
Gideon copies (Closed)
white weenie is it worth it (Closed)
Life gain deck (Closed)
rakdos, lord of riots (Closed)
Flying defenders in standard? (Closed)
Stonewright (Closed)
sire of insanity (Closed)
Graveyard hate (Closed)
[[turn / burn]] vs [[far / away]] (Closed)
No aggro Gruul deck help (Closed)
Boros Reckoner vs. Trample Ruling (Closed)
Suggestions for States (Closed)
Card Legality Question (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
- Stunting Standard
- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options