Standard MTG Forum
Combatting Aetherling (Closed)
Question about hidden strings (Closed)
Mono black extort? (Closed)
Council of the absolute question (Closed)
multiple [[master biomancer]] (Closed)
Why so Heartless??? (Closed)
Notion thief in Grixis??? (Closed)
Skype Friends For Standard MTG (Closed)
Golgari mill (Closed)
Sleeper Dragon's Maze Cards (Closed)
Golgari Question (Closed)
Gaze of Granite (Closed)
American Deck Help (Closed)
need help (Closed)
anti graveyard hate (Closed)
The Voice of Sin Collecting (Closed)
Pyrewild Shaman (Closed)
Guild Champions (Closed)
Junk Rites with DGM (Closed)
How good is Warped Physique? (Closed)
[[deputy-of-acquittals]] (Closed)
can [[ral zarek]] beat down? (Closed)
Is [[cloistered youth]] playable? (Closed)
black fieldwipes in standard (Closed)
Cavern of Souls (Closed)
turn 3 blasphemous act win (Closed)
Powerhouses in the upcoming format. (Closed)
Cheaper Alternatives (Closed)
Standard Dominant (Closed)
RUG Deck with Dragons Maze (Closed)
aint that the truth (Closed)
Fun with Goblin Test Pilot. (Closed)
skylasher? (Closed)
Boros List (Closed)
Standard Mill (Closed)
Good life loss cards (Closed)
Standard with Dragons Maze (Closed)
Last Night @ FNM (Closed)
Standard Two-Head Giant (Closed)
Judge's Familiar...pros and cons (Closed)
FNM (Closed)
I would like to discuss Orzhov.. (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
- Stunting Standard
- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options