Standard MTG Forum
Boros Reckoner + Tragic Slip Combo? (Closed)
Funny kill spell combo (Closed)
Gideon, And the Wall of NO (Closed)
Is esper still big in meta? (Closed)
Jund +1/+1 Counters (Closed)
[[putrefy]]!!!!! (Closed)
Every Infinite Combo in Standard (Closed)
Flip Cards In Tournament? (Closed)
Voice of Resurgence (Closed)
Immortal Esper (U/B/W) Control (Closed)
Quick Vexing Devil question! (Closed)
R/B aggro control (Closed)
Dimir Mid-ranged (Closed)
Grafdiffer's Cage Question (Closed)
Boros Midrange? (Closed)
RWb Deck (Closed)
Mono blue standard ? (Closed)
Control Deck Idea (Closed)
A fast RWB Combo Burn deck! (Closed)
budget possibilities for Junk Rites (Closed)
Over confident boros player (Closed)
Sideboard GR (Closed)
So has the meta changed? (Closed)
Noob Help: Green Blue Deck (Closed)
Naya Concept (Closed)
FNM tonight... which deck? (Closed)
ptq deck ideas? (Closed)
FNM Vampire Help Please!! (Closed)
FNM Tonight! NEED a little help!! (Closed)
Best Mechanics for Limited? (Closed)
Mutilate or Killing Wave (Closed)
Blasphemous Pyre (Closed)
B/U mill equip (Closed)
Is a Burning Vengeance deck Viable? (Closed)
Underrated Cards (Closed)
augur spree vs murder (Closed)
Standard Blocks (Closed)
Trostani or Rhox Faithmender? (Closed)
Land destruction in standard? (Closed)
Need help for FNM! (Closed)
Fast or Slow deck? you decide (Closed)
Question about Extort (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
- Stunting Standard
- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options