Standard MTG Forum
Sapphire Drake and Crowned Ceratok (Closed)
Question about cipher (Closed)
What to choose: Naya or Bant (Closed)
where can nightveil specter fit? (Closed)
Bant (Closed)
Annihilating fire and regenerate (Closed)
Geist of St Traft gets a new tool (Closed)
calling all control nerds! (Closed)
Thraben Heretic in standard. (Closed)
Does dimir have to mean mill? (Closed)
Bant ramp is gonna be a thing (Closed)
First Tri-Color (Closed)
oldies but goodies (Closed)
Orzhov in Gatecrash (Closed)
How to Build a Mana Base Correctly? (Closed)
rats (Closed)
Possible Infinite Combo in Standard (Closed)
Clone effects? (Closed)
Favourite (non-competitive) card? (Closed)
Gruul Humans Viable in Standard? (Closed)
Vampire deck viable? (Closed)
Counter to Rest in Peace (Closed)
Decisions.. Decisions... (Closed)
Turbofog Mill (Closed)
Most under rated cards in Standard? (Closed)
Bant in Gatecrash? (Closed)
How to deal with Rest in Peace (Closed)
Quickest Infinita mana combo in STD? (Closed)
Boros Aggro (Closed)
Gideon, Champion of Justice (Closed)
dramatic rescue vs azorius charm (Closed)
Playing Exalted (Closed)
MBC post Gatecrash? (Closed)
R/G Wolves (Closed)
High Priest of Penance (Closed)
B/W/R in Gatecrash (Closed)
Gideon, the Champion of Justice (Closed)
Tell me how i did. (Closed)
My deck post didn't work . . . :/ (Closed)
What's your guild? (Closed)
Looking for Overgrown Tomb x3 (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
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- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options