Standard MTG Forum
Help with building (Closed)
Good Red or Black sweepers ? (Closed)
looking for some ideas (Closed)
Gatecrash Support and Allignment (Closed)
Bant: Aggro or Control? (Closed)
Control in Standard (Closed)
Viable Bruna Decks? (Closed)
How'd i do at the draft? (Closed)
White with Blue flashback (Closed)
Aurelia with cloudshift (Closed)
slaughter games? (Closed)
I need a deck to play (Closed)
Best All-Rounder (Closed)
Cheap Standard Decks (Closed)
Looking for an aggro two drop. (Closed)
How does [[pithing needle]] work? (Closed)
Black Card Draw (Closed)
Under the radar cards (Closed)
Good B/R ramp cards? (Closed)
Mono blue ramp? (Closed)
My Red/Green Try on Standar (Closed)
Red-Green deck, Dirty Combo? (Closed)
Need advice on... stuff. (Closed)
Budget Decks vs. Not So Much Decks (Closed)
Standard Removal (Closed)
Grave Bramble (Closed)
Standard G/U (Closed)
Predator ooze playable yet? (Closed)
BG Zombies vs. BR Zombies (Closed)
Birds (Closed)
Thragtusk: How to Play Against Him. (Closed)
2-Drop battle. (Closed)
What happens when... (Closed)
RDW vs. Rakdos Aggro vs. G/W Humans (Closed)
Werewolves? (Closed)
Dredge in standard? (Closed)
Combo Archetypes in Standard (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
- Stunting Standard
- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options