Standard MTG Forum
Standard and Rotation (Closed)
Are pain lands rotating in kaledesh? (Closed)
Lightning bolt vs. shock (Closed)
Best way to get started in Standard? (Closed)
Zombies going to come up? (Closed)
What's SOI Standard Like? (Closed)
Well, if its Emrakul... (Closed)
Altered Ego (Closed)
Standard Gauntlet #3 (Closed)
Best Intro Pack for a new player? (Closed)
B/U Reanimator on a budget? (Closed)
Funny Standard Decks (Closed)
Starter Deck/Mana Ramp Deck (Closed)
Radiant flames or kozileks return (Closed)
Going Bonkers for Skulk (Closed)
Scamming for boosters (Closed)
Epic budget deck stories! (Closed)
Game Day Observations (Closed)
How to overcome the Humans? (Closed)
Pro Tour Shadows Predictions! (Closed)
Decisions, decisions... (Closed)
Why arent these cards seeing play? (Closed)
Deck Challenge: Westvale Abbey (Closed)
Trangress the Mind vs Duress (Closed)
Which Gideon (Closed)
Can we have a spirit standard? (Closed)
Standard Gauntlet (Closed)
Standard PT meta predictions (Closed)
[[Cryptolith rite]]- underhyped? (Closed)
What's everyone playing??? (Closed)
Goldnight Castigator (Closed)
Suspiciously Punny (Closed)
why play arlinn korn? ( discussion) (Closed)
What hand disruption effect? (Closed)
Hidden Dragonslayer to See Play? (Closed)
Options in Standard? (Closed)
Slow Vampires Vs Fast Vampires (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Help with a Dimir Zombie deck
- Stunting Standard
- Is paper standard dead?
- 5 Standard Sets?
- Standard infinite combo? (but janky)
- New in the format
- [[Rootcoil Creeper]] or [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] in a basic simic ramp deck?
- Question about Standard rotation
- Is Everyone On Arena Just Missing This Combo?
- Future Standard: Skeleton deck options