A rising powerhouse archetype

Standard forum

Posted on Dec. 5, 2012, 8:27 p.m. by vila_a23

So if you have paid any attention to the current standard meta you have most likely seen a five color control list. Over the past two weeks the deck has been gaining a lot of momentum in the meta and two variants have even popped up in my lgs. So far the two shellsI have noticed are the base green that revolves around early ramp, and the base u/w that revolves around early counterspells to make it into the late game. My question to the tappedout community is this: Do you think the deck is a serious contender for dominance in the early future? And do you think the deck is going to improve with gatecrash providing even more shock lands and possible ramp/ fixing (yes i' looking at you Gruul). For your reference, or even if you haven't seen a list yet here is my build that is only a few cards away from Ali Aintrazi's list he made top 3 at an scg open with: 5 Color Ramp

vila_a23 says... #2

Sorry I didn't realize that this was much better suited for the standard forum at the time of posting. .-.

December 5, 2012 8:30 p.m.

rockleemyhero says... #3

until gatecrash, i think so. The format is so slow with all the midrange going on (unless rakdos zombies continues to hold top spots). Why not best a slow 3 color midrange deck with a 5 color rampy/control deck? But again, we will see what happens in gatecrash. all thats needed is some stronger aggro support...

December 5, 2012 9:28 p.m.

rockleemyhero says... #4

but if Ponder gets reprinted then everything changes...."muwahaha"-Delver of Secrets  Flip

December 5, 2012 9:29 p.m.

Somehow I think Ponder or an effect like it wasn't reprinted BECAUSE of Delver of Secrets  Flip .

December 5, 2012 11:47 p.m.

Dirt3pz says... #6

can we unban Ponder and ban Delver of Secrets  Flip in modern then? those type of cards are the only reason i want to play blue.

back to subject.

i cant see why a better mana base should make it harder to play 5 color control, so why not,.. but as mentioned, its hard to tell since we dont know what decks will dominate yet,.. '

i feel wizards are pushing modern, and since modern is a fast format we might see some very fast zoo type cards to go with that new planeswalker. a reprint of sumthing like Invisible Stalker (even if very unlickely) could also very easy shut down a deck like that...

December 6, 2012 12:02 a.m.

x754 says... #7

Delver is just the tip of the spear. Ponder wasn't reprinted because of what it does to Miracles.

5 color control might not be fast enough once Gruul and Simic come into the picture. The Simic keyword will probably be creature related in order to play well with graft from Dissension, which will mean value creatures. Add to that the fact that Jund and Rakdos have been strong the last few weeks, adding anything good with green in it might swing things back in Jund's favor.

December 6, 2012 6:45 a.m.

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