a small gripe
Standard forum
Posted on Aug. 16, 2014, 12:19 p.m. by VampireArmy
Rtr = 2 colors block
Ths = 1 color block
Khans = 3 color sets in the block.
Does it bother anyone else that they did it in this order? I'd have preferred khans first then theros because right now i feel like with shocks rotating away hitting 3 colors is going to be hard as hell
VampireArmy says... #3
True. For right now the painlands aren't too promising. You end up wasting away half your life casting things on color.
August 16, 2014 12:27 p.m.
Painlands are fine but not for like 3 colour stuff.
Khans will likely bring strong dual lands given that it's a wedge block. Therefore having shocklands and some other strong dual or triple land would be ridiculous. It would be funny if wizards introduced a really strong new land type that became a modern staple. Many people have been talking about the possibility of old staple lands returning. I'm thinking about crazy new things.
August 16, 2014 12:39 p.m.
Wizards of the Coast isn't completely stupid, they have their reasons for doing things in the order they do them. They wouldn't introduce a set focused on 3 colors and then make it impossible for 3 color decks to succeed. I'm not saying only 3 color decks will be good in the new standard, I'm just saying Wizards knows what they're doing and even if you think it would be better to do it differently, things were done this way for specific reasons. A big reason for the Theros block was to slow the format down. I highly doubt they would have accomplished what they wanted to by introducing Khans at that time. Also, only the first set of the Khans block (Khans of Tarkir) is going to be focused on the wedges. Since the last 2 sets won't have the same focus on 3 colors that the first one does, it's quite possible the last two sets are more focused on mono colors (possibly representing a time before the clans in their time travel story). That would mean this block has the potential to play better with the mono colored Theros block than the multicolored Ravnica block.
I wouldn't waste my time getting bothered by such trivial things, especially since all we know about the Khans block is essentially just background story. Yeah we've had 3 cards spoiled, but there is definitely not enough information out to make any kind of judgement on the set itself, let alone how it will play with any of the other cards already in existence.
August 16, 2014 12:42 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #7
Like the title says. It's a small gripe. I'd also like to point out that though wizards know their stuff, they have often made mistakes when it comes to blocks, cards, and such. They admit it to it often enough at least. Maybe we will see some great lands maybe not. All I'm saying here is with the way the lands are, three color decks won't be easy to achieve and if only one set of 3 is to be tri colored, why bother? I was under the impression the third set would have 3 color focus as well
August 16, 2014 12:52 p.m.
Nigeltastic says... #8
Why did you have that impression? It's been clearly stated a couple of times that khans is a wedge set, not a wedge block. If they made 2/3 tri-color, that would be a silly statement to have made. I feel like wizards is correct a hugely significant portion more than they're wrong, regardless of what the vocal naysayers often claim, so I'd say just relax and enjoy the ride.
August 16, 2014 1:01 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #9
Why do people assume I'm tilting more than i am???? Lol it's a small thing. I've given out a thought a few times and wondered if anyone else thought the same as I have. As for why i thought the third would be tri, it was because if the speculation of the time travel reversing the wedge main colors. It's been said on some post on this site somewhere and most agreed.
August 16, 2014 1:08 p.m.
Anything you see about the second and third sets is purely speculation by others and can't be considered reliable information. All that Wizards has announced is that the first set of the block will be a "Wedge" set but Khans as a whole will not be a "Wedge" block. We don't really know enough to make any real determinations about how the time travel element of the story line will actually effect the last two sets. Mark Rosewater said on his blog that the draft format is what they started with and everything was designed off that, so I think the time travel element is more likely something that came about as a way to explain within the story why the sets are drafted the way they are. Especially since this a bottom up design focused on mechanics over story. In blocks like that, the story line sort of ties things together so it doesn't feel clunky like a bunch of random cards printed together more so than dictating which cards actually make it into the sets.
August 16, 2014 1:49 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #12
I think that the 1 color inbetween the multi-color is so that Mono color decks still can be viable, and that it gives cards to support in each mono color instead of having to make the guilds and the clans philosophies all line up really well, which would have been a bit more limiting.
I'm hoping/imagining some Murmuring Bosk typed lands going on, or hoping that there's a cycle of three-color in KTK, and a cycle of duals in the next two sets (wedge set, not block)
August 16, 2014 2:31 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #13
I like and hope for the rest of the Grove of the Burnwillows lands.
August 16, 2014 3:05 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #14
I have a really dumb question... Has it been confirmed that we'll be getting any form of a land from Khans? If I remember correctly, the Shards of Alara block didn't give us any dual lands (except for Exotic Orchard , which doesn't really count). We got the Panoramas (Grixis Panorama , etc.) and the 3-color ones (Jungle Shrine , etc.). Plus a lot of artifact support. With the emphasis on artifacts in M15, is it possible that we won't see a cycle of dual lands in Khans, but rather mana rocks like Obelisks and such?
Shards did have the tribal lands and filters though... Anyways, just a thought.
Back to the thread: this is unlikely given that we don't have a strong land base for wedges, but again, artifacts? I'm just hypothesizing here, and I know we'd all like some form of a strong land.
August 16, 2014 3:55 p.m.
I think it's a given that we'll be getting a cycle of uncommon lands in the vein of Jungle Shrine , and there should be a rare cycle of dual lands that will make the 3-color madness more viable than just the enemy painlands, scry lands, and Mana Confluence . We just need to be patient for a few more weeks when Khans spoilers start up again :)
August 16, 2014 4:09 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #16
it's pretty known that alara block's color fixing wasn't quite up to par for wanting three-color decks to run reliably, we'll see better fixing than that gave. the uncommon cycle is pretty expected, but something more is also likely, expecially given Khans being a wedge set, not a wedge block.
August 16, 2014 11:39 p.m.
LordOfDispair says... #17
Theros has Sylvan Caryatid + a temple for each color AND Mana Confluence . Plus on top of that M15 had a set of enemy pain lands. You can run 3 color fine without khans, and add a 3 color land or some duals on top of that and you're good to go.
Unless you're trying to play 3 color aggro or tempo, which I guess could be hard with Brimaz, King of Oreskos .
August 17, 2014 1:11 a.m.
blackmarker90 says... #18
I am pretty sure MaRo said there would be a cycle of dual lands for Khabs block. Whether or not it is new lands or a reprint of something is yet to be determined.
August 17, 2014 2 p.m.
A reprint of Shadowmoor type filter lands would be amazing since it would mean you could use a pain land to get 2 colored mana with only 1 damage. Further still with painlands that can tap right away as opposed to checklands it's easier to manipulate the filters to get what you need. While they aren't nearly as good as the RTR lands and don't see as much play they're still handy especially in 2 color decks w/o check-lands. If check lands don't become a thing again these would fit nicely.
Also more mana rocks would work since Vandalblast will be going away. Something like Fieldmist Borderpost ? I've heard many people say WotC is very cautious about printing artifact mana ramp and that even Azorius Signet is considered strong but the Borderposts seem just right since they can be countered and/or destroyed.
August 18, 2014 3:25 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #20
It's semi confirmed that we're getting the tap uncommons now from the duel deck. I'm an aggro/tempo guy so i hope we get something faster than that. We'll see
Servo_Token says... #2
With the current land base sans shocks, yes. However, there will be dual lands printed in Khans. We'll need to wait and see how those work to help support clan work.
August 16, 2014 12:22 p.m.